For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

What are “disturbing” literature, movies, and artwork like ITTL? For example Come and See is butterflied away due to there being no Nazi invasion of Russia for Klimov to experience.

No Fascist Italy probably means no 120 Days of Salo.

Columbine is definitely being butterflied away here so the various fictional works such as We Need to Talk About Kevin based on said shooting don’t exist here, instead being replaced by different fictional works based on different tragic events.

The different economic situation in America ITTL probably means no American Psycho, and sadly that means no Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman ITTL.

No Holocaust ITTL obviously means no The Boy in Stripped Pyjamas, Night, Maus, or other fiction/non-fiction/semi-fiction works based on the genocide don't end up existing here, although the continued intense problem of antisemitism ITTL probably does end up leading to a lot of high quality and thought provoking works by Jewish authors and creators ITTL.

I am now imagining a possibly more racist/problematic version of Cannibal Holocaust ITTL of a movie about cannibalistic Brazilian native tribes.

I have no idea what the neo-Nazis and other white supremacists behind such works and manifestos like The Turner Diaries are going to be writing or doing ITTL, nor do I have about works regarding the Catholic Church scandals like Spotlight.

Russia not becoming Communist probably impacts Vladimir Nabokov’s career, which means Lolita or a similar novel may or may not exist here ITTL.

Sylvia Likens is definitely not going to be murdered ITTL (if she is even born at all in the first place), so no The Girl Next Door or An American Crime.

Maybe Pablo Picasso makes a similar painting to Guernica based on something violent done by the CWR or another repressive regime ITTL?

Different events in East Asia probably mean no Nanking/Unit 731-related media? Even if the Japanese Empire lasts longer than it did IOTL?

Different superheroes probably means no Marvel Ruins.

Presumably Osamu Dazai and Junji Ito end up having different lives ITTL, meaning that many of their OTL works are not made here.

Lars Von Trier actually might still end up becoming a big film director ITTL, due to Denmark’s more conflict-filled and destructive history here ITTL.

The creepypasta genre is definitely getting butterflied away here with so much changing with pop culture, although similar Internet horror stories may still exist here.

Nuclear war films similar to those like The War Game, The Day After, Testament, Threads, and When the Wind Blows probably still exist here even without the Cold War being a thing here.

Rockstar Games may or may not exist, which means no Manhunt games ITTL.
Nuclear war films similar to those like The War Game, The Day After, Testament, Threads, and When the Wind Blows probably still exist here even without the Cold War being a thing here.
On that note, stuff like The Sum of All Fears would probably age poorly or be more common with the nuclear bombing of Vladivostok fresh in the memories of many people.
Also, what ended up happening to famous assassins IOTL like Garvillo Princip (other than that he was arrested for a different assassination attempt soon after in 1914), Nathuram Godse, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Sirhan Sirhan ITTL?
Might as well ask, but what would the CWR equivalent to Wehraboos (including what they're called ITTL) have for talking points vis-a-vis "how the CWR could have won the World War" and how the CWR's military was somehow superior to the enemies who defeated them?
Any further info on the German Emperors after Wilhelm II? Did Kira Kirilovna end up marrying Louis Ferdinand in 1938? From what i understand Germany and Russia weren't on the best of terms at that point after the European War so it would seem odd.

Great timeline btw! I enjoy it a lot.
Adding on to this, the fate of the lesser Romanov branches who IOTL claimed leadership of the house after the main branch was wiped out would be interesting to discuss.
Also from the other German Royal Families (Bavaria, Saxony, Oldenburg, Habsburg, Hannover, etc.).

Aside from that, it would be good to see WWI OTL German figures around the German General Staff: Moltke jr. (Who OTL had a breakdown in 1914 and died in 1916. ITL if he dies on the same date, depending on when the war starts he could be just before or on the early days i think), Falkenhayn, Hindenburg (who i assume 50/50 would be brought back from retirement when the war starts years later or not), Ludendorff, Hoffmann, Mackensen, Hutier, Knobelsdorff, Nicolai, etc. I have read somewhere in these forums that Mackensen was considered for the post of Chief of the General Staff but that Knobelsdorff was also a possibility due to his closeness with the Kaiser?
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Also from the other German Royal Families (Bavaria, Saxony, Oldenburg, Habsburg, Hannover, etc.).

Aside from that, it would be good to see WWI OTL German figures around the German General Staff: Moltke jr. (Who had a breakdown in 1914 and died), Falkenhayn, Hindenburg (who i assume 50/50 would be brought back from retirement when the war starts years later or not), Ludendorff, Hoffmann, Mackensen, Hutier, Knobelsdorff, Nicolai, etc. I have read somewhere in these forums that Mackensen was considered for the post of Chief of the General Staff but that Knobelsdorff was also a possibility due to his closeness with the Kaiser?
Ahh almost forgot, ITL does the Heer remain separated in the Prussian, Bavarian, Saxon and Würtemberg components or does it "unify" under a central command at some point? Does the Luftstretikrafte become independent or it remains tied to its regional components?
List of Presidents of Micronesia
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Any further info on the German Emperors after Wilhelm II? Did Kira Kirilovna end up marrying Louis Ferdinand in 1938? From what i understand Germany and Russia weren't on the best of terms at that point after the European War so it would seem odd.

Great timeline btw! I enjoy it a lot.
Due to bad blood between Germany and Russia, Louis Ferdinand married someone else.
Speaking of which, what became of George Orwell ITTL and what book, if any, fills the role of 1984 as the key work of dystopian literature?
George Orwell was a bona fide socialist ITTL and was flabbergasted by Doriot. He still committed his own dystopia.
What are “disturbing” literature, movies, and artwork like ITTL? For example Come and See is butterflied away due to there being no Nazi invasion of Russia for Klimov to experience.

No Fascist Italy probably means no 120 Days of Salo.

Columbine is definitely being butterflied away here so the various fictional works such as We Need to Talk About Kevin based on said shooting don’t exist here, instead being replaced by different fictional works based on different tragic events.

The different economic situation in America ITTL probably means no American Psycho, and sadly that means no Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman ITTL.

No Holocaust ITTL obviously means no The Boy in Stripped Pyjamas, Night, Maus, or other fiction/non-fiction/semi-fiction works based on the genocide don't end up existing here, although the continued intense problem of antisemitism ITTL probably does end up leading to a lot of high quality and thought provoking works by Jewish authors and creators ITTL.

I am now imagining a possibly more racist/problematic version of Cannibal Holocaust ITTL of a movie about cannibalistic Brazilian native tribes.

I have no idea what the neo-Nazis and other white supremacists behind such works and manifestos like The Turner Diaries are going to be writing or doing ITTL, nor do I have about works regarding the Catholic Church scandals like Spotlight.

Russia not becoming Communist probably impacts Vladimir Nabokov’s career, which means Lolita or a similar novel may or may not exist here ITTL.

Sylvia Likens is definitely not going to be murdered ITTL (if she is even born at all in the first place), so no The Girl Next Door or An American Crime.

Maybe Pablo Picasso makes a similar painting to Guernica based on something violent done by the CWR or another repressive regime ITTL?

Different events in East Asia probably mean no Nanking/Unit 731-related media? Even if the Japanese Empire lasts longer than it did IOTL?

Different superheroes probably means no Marvel Ruins.

Presumably Osamu Dazai and Junji Ito end up having different lives ITTL, meaning that many of their OTL works are not made here.

Lars Von Trier actually might still end up becoming a big film director ITTL, due to Denmark’s more conflict-filled and destructive history here ITTL.

The creepypasta genre is definitely getting butterflied away here with so much changing with pop culture, although similar Internet horror stories may still exist here.

Nuclear war films similar to those like The War Game, The Day After, Testament, Threads, and When the Wind Blows probably still exist here even without the Cold War being a thing here.

Rockstar Games may or may not exist, which means no Manhunt games ITTL.
That's a short list 😉.
Wow, that's such a list ! Let's say for starters that racism is more prevalent in this world while the Shoah still happened. I have numerous plans for pop culture ITTL, as I did for the Perot TL, they will be here in due time.
On that note, stuff like The Sum of All Fears would probably age poorly or be more common with the nuclear bombing of Vladivostok fresh in the memories of many people.
Never written !

Also, what ended up happening to famous assassins IOTL like Garvillo Princip (other than that he was arrested for a different assassination attempt soon after in 1914), Nathuram Godse, Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray, and Sirhan Sirhan ITTL?
I have plans for them.
Might as well ask, but what would the CWR equivalent to Wehraboos (including what they're called ITTL) have for talking points vis-a-vis "how the CWR could have won the World War" and how the CWR's military was somehow superior to the enemies who defeated them?
Well, it must certainly exist, the CWR in TTL alternate history is the equivalent to Nazi Germany.
Why was John Edwards impeached and removed from office?

Adding on to this, the fate of the lesser Romanov branches who IOTL claimed leadership of the house after the main branch was wiped out would be interesting to discuss.

I have a feeling for similar reasons why he hasn’t been in politics for years IOTL.

Went to bed with someone another woman as his wife?
That, and it became worse.
Also from the other German Royal Families (Bavaria, Saxony, Oldenburg, Habsburg, Hannover, etc.).

Aside from that, it would be good to see WWI OTL German figures around the German General Staff: Moltke jr. (Who OTL had a breakdown in 1914 and died in 1916. ITL if he dies on the same date, depending on when the war starts he could be just before or on the early days i think), Falkenhayn, Hindenburg (who i assume 50/50 would be brought back from retirement when the war starts years later or not), Ludendorff, Hoffmann, Mackensen, Hutier, Knobelsdorff, Nicolai, etc. I have read somewhere in these forums that Mackensen was considered for the post of Chief of the General Staff but that Knobelsdorff was also a possibility due to his closeness with the Kaiser?

Ahh almost forgot, ITL does the Heer remain separated in the Prussian, Bavarian, Saxon and Würtemberg components or does it "unify" under a central command at some point? Does the Luftstretikrafte become independent or it remains tied to its regional components?
Hindenburg replaced Moltke upon his death, while other German generals had fruitful careers. The Luftstretikrafte became independent as the Luftwaffe while the regional structure was abolished during the interwar.
have plans for them.
Nice! I have some ideas for possible assassins who go on to kill/try to kill different people ITTL:

- Marcus Wayne Chenault, who IOTL killed MLK’s mom Alberta in 1974
- Sara Jane Moore, who IOTL tried to kill Gerald Ford in 1975
- Michael Abram, who IOTL tried to kill George Harrison in 1999
- Mehmet Ali Ağca, who IOTL tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981
- Vladimir Arutyunian, who IOTL tried to kill George W. Bush in 2005
Due to bad blood between Germany and Russia, Louis Ferdinand married someone else.
And my question then on what happened to the lesser branches of the Romanovs who IOTL claimed leadership after the Bolsheviks gunned down the main branch in a cellar? Anyone from these branches who became prominent ITTL? And who did Louis Ferdinand marry ITTL, then?
Well, it must certainly exist, the CWR in TTL alternate history is the equivalent to Nazi Germany.
On that note, aside from the CWR, what countries are the go-to villains ITTL? Let me guess that Azania and (Imperial) Japan both have said dubious honor with Imperial Japanese villains ITTL being akin to Soviet villains IOTL in TTL's pop culture
On that note, aside from the CWR, what countries are the go-to villains ITTL? Let me guess that Azania and (Imperial) Japan both have said dubious honor with Imperial Japanese villains ITTL being akin to Soviet villains IOTL in TTL's pop culture
I have a mental image of TTL’s Cold War imagery being a bit more racist in many cases due to the fact that Japan’s rivals main adversary is a “non-white” Asian nation instead of the “white” USA vs the European USSR.