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1) What if the British won in Africa and took all Italian and Vichy possessions in Africa and Middle East while not being able to march onto the Europe itself and holding onto North Africa by local bases, bigger Free France and of course the Royal Navy?

2) What if the Soviet Union didn't implode and managed to hold on by the skin of their teeth untill the worst of Barbarossa was over?

3) What if the British won the Norwegian campaign?

4) What if the French managed an orderly withdrawal to North Africa after being invaded?

5) What if Salazar never left for Angola?

6) What if Mao never liberated Mongolia?

7) What if Ho Chi Minh was a Maoist?

8) What if Guderian decided to join the Wehrmacht elements in their coup?
Not alt hist-

A) Why is Mongolia a province and not an Autonomous Region within China like Tibet or Xinxiang?

B) What is Turkey's position in this Cold War?
Would authors (presumably non-German ones) from this TL think that a Nazi defeat in WWII is as ASB as most of this forum has come to see a Nazi victory as OTL?

What would a AH author in this timeline want to do to create a scenario where France survives longer, rather than surrendering quick.
I think even the rise of Germany would be something comparable to the rise of Genghis Khan, they would be at the right place and time to strike their enemies and will be better prepared to do so. I don't think it would be considered ASB, more likely people would have to nitpick some events in other countries to tweak them (like if someone other than Stalin, Wheeler and Halifax was in charge) for Germany to lose.

1) What if the British won in Africa and took all Italian and Vichy possessions in Africa and Middle East while not being able to march onto the Europe itself and holding onto North Africa by local bases, bigger Free France and of course the Royal Navy?

2) What if the Soviet Union didn't implode and managed to hold on by the skin of their teeth untill the worst of Barbarossa was over?

3) What if the British won the Norwegian campaign?

4) What if the French managed an orderly withdrawal to North Africa after being invaded?

5) What if Salazar never left for Angola?

6) What if Mao never liberated Mongolia?

7) What if Ho Chi Minh was a Maoist?

8) What if Guderian decided to join the Wehrmacht elements in their coup?
Not alt hist-

A) Why is Mongolia a province and not an Autonomous Region within China like Tibet or Xinxiang?

B) What is Turkey's position in this Cold War?
1) First consequence is to Mussolini who is now the sore loser in this conflict, Italy will be little more than an appendix of Germany without their own Colonial empire and influence in the middle east. It's far more likely that Fascism would end after Mussolini's death as the military would side with Umberto, he could even get rid of the Duce before he dies. Israel will also have an easier time as the Allies will see them as an important buffer against the Axis in the Mediterranean and there won't be a strong Syrian army in the North. Little would change to the Germans other than having to worry with a southern front and its likely they would allow France to have a stronger force as a buffer on the west.

2) If they manage to hold behind the Volga, the Soviets will still be unable to push back until at the very least 1945 when Wheeler is out of the White House and Hull starts to pump in the Lend Lease. Stalin might invade Manchuria for it's resources and get the goodwill of the west by fighting Japan if they attack in late 1946. However, if Hull still dies then Thurmond will ramp up on anti-communism and the help would likely be cut, same thing with a more isolationist President like Long. Don't expect the US to put in many boots on the ground after Operation Sunset. Germany will only speed up their nuclear program with the threat of Stalin as the Soviets will do the same with help of espionage. If the war is still going on by 1950 then the nuclear fireworks will begin. It is also possible Hitler will live a few years more because he died in an overdose of medicines as he feared he would die of a flu he caught in Russia right before his great crusade against the west.

3) Well that would generate butterflies in WWII, but let's assume the lack of extra iron doesn't stop the Germans from winning. This changes a lot in the Northern front, the Germans would not be able to invade Sweden, who might attempt to pull a Salazar and stay as an intimidated neutral. The Kriegsmarine would have far more resources while Rudolf Hess will try to make his little Detente with London. The British economy will be doing worse with the costs of a Garrison in Norway but it also gives the West a powerful base to strike Northern Europe. This also allows Finland to have some more agency in their foreign policy instead of being surrounded by the Wehrmacht.

4) This likely goes for a similar scenario as in the first point. However the French state would be far less legitimacy in Europe without Petain and the previous government to give credence. They can also probably prevent Saadeh from rising up with a stronger French Garrison. Things begin to change once Hitler dies and the French government likely makes a move. They either will be sent away by the Wehr or the US could back them and start a war. As you can see there are many scenarios here that would cause a world war because the Germans aren't half as reasonable as the Soviets were.

5) Then he flees to Mozambique, but if he actually gets captured then the Portuguese colonies would be seized by the British. But not before South Africa makes their own move and likely takes a slice from Mozambique using the Power Vacuum. The US might call for the independence of the colonies but Long is not going to really push the issue.

6) Liberation is a strong word, more like under new Management (this is still Mao we are talking about). But without invading Mongolia it is likely the German offensive would have been stopped before Aktau, the Russians had to send in forces to the east out of fear of a Chinese invasion to restore the Soviet Union. Who knows, depending on what will happen next, Mao might have his shot at Siberia.

7) Vietnam is currently lukewarm to American interests as Ho is a personal admirer of the US who is under a more friendly President towards his social programs. But if he was a Maoist then it is likely Indochina would have seen some fighting in the Chinese Civil War, but then Hanoi would be one of Peking's allies afterwards. However, Ho might be less popular too, not like the Vietnamese are famous for being friends towards China throughout their history. No, there still would not be a Vietnam War, Thurmond would be busy recovering the US from Sunset between 47 and 48, prior to that Mao was still considered an ally, and later than that we have Huey as President.

8) The Nazis won't go out without a fight but having the most prestigious general and chief of the OKW in your side would give a lot of legitimacy to the Putsch. Himmler, Hess, Heydrich, Goebbels and Speer are still in the Capital with Speer already being a hostage being pressured to join this new government. It is possible that Albert would do so as he is the kind of man who would say and do anything to save his skin and legacy, after all the two heads of the SS and the Gauleiter of Germania are now at a serious risk of being captured. More likely is that if the big shots are arrested or eliminated in Germania then Germany will fall into civil war as the Gauleiters pick either the new Junta (which would have Speer by their side with his hopes of leading Germany) or they chose a new Führer, such as Wegener (Gauleiter of Vienna), Kaufmann (Gauleiter of Hamburg), or an SS commander like Hanke or Wolff (if he still lives). It is also possible one of the big leaders escape the coup and ends up as the new Führer. Either way we have a civil war and nations such as France will use the chance to finally break free. The Tsar will also likely start an invasion from the East since the Wehrmacht is in disarray, rebels are rising up and the SS is fighting the army. Who wins in this? Everyone except the Germans.

A) Honestly that was a confusion, they are an Autonomous Province, but the Communists also have work to do in cracking down on white elements in the area. So their autonomy is about as real as Tibetan after the 1959 rebellion.

B) Turkey, like Finland, is friendly towards the Germans if only for the fact they have literally nothing else to resort to. To the West there is Italy and Bulgaria, to the North the Reichskomissariats, to the East there is the Reichskomissariat of the Caucasus and Iran, to the South Iraq is gone and there is an aggressive Syria with an army stronger than their own. One of their few options of being given leeway is by sticking close to Almirante's Italy and perhaps supporting Israel in secret, after all even the Suez is de facto under Italian control now. It's somewhat like Finland, except it's even worse because they don't have Murmansk as an Artic port.
What if italo balbo took over power in Italy after Mussolini's death 2. what if the king's coup in Italy was successful?
Balbo would have prevented a coup attempt and slowly push Italy out of the Pakt. Umberto would use Italy's nuclear weapons as a blackmail to force his way out of the Pakt and approach the British, bringing along Egypt, Greece and Bulgaria with him. That could actually allow Turkey to truly be neutral. But the Germans can still leverage the sympathy the Italians have for Fascism and use the SD to spark either a period of unrest that would make the Years of Lead look like the Years of Confetti or an actual civil war that consumes Italy by using the PNF, perhaps with a Pro-German leader like Farinacci taking charge.
What if Wegener became Fuhrer?
What if Saudi Arabia joined the Linz Pakt?
What if the French State
A) Retook Madagascar when it tried to re-establish it's garrison there?
B) Kept control of West Africa in 1951?
What if Schorner and Manstein didn't duel?
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What if Long had not been injured in the assassination attempt 2. What if Hess had died before Hitler?
I) Then he would not be walking with a cane and Patton would not get to be a part in the Korean offensive.

II) Bormann's plan of succession would get in trouble, he himself had no shot at becoming Führer unless the small senate already existed and Hitler likely would have stalled from creating it as he never wanted an underling of his to have too much power. More likely is that the Reichstag would take the lead in the nomination to make it look official, it is anyone's game on who will be chosen as Führer, Speer did not have as much sympathy from Gauleiters at that point due to his personal nature, Goebbels was still mostly sidelined as a mouthpiece for the party, if the chaos in the succession proves too great then Himmler and the Security Forces might win in that power struggle, otherwise Bormann can get to choose someone else like Wegener, who was the most charismatic in his arsenal even if he does not have credentials as high as Hess did.

What if Wegener became Fuhrer?
What if Saudi Arabia joined the Linz Pakt?
What if the French State
A) Retook Madagascar when it tried to re-establish it's garrison there?
B) Kept control of West Africa in 1951?
What if Schorner and Manstein didn't duel?
I) Wegener as Führer would ensure that the Partification process would run smoothly as nobody could openly challenge him as the "State Faction" and the SS did when he was Party Chancellor. Germany would be a more well-organized State with a significant reduction on the corrupt and cannibalistic nature of their politics. The Ural War likely would not have happened either as Wegener would not need to gamble for his reforms.

II) Saudi Arabia would likely join the Pakt under the influence of Italy, that causes more problems to Israel who now has to deal with another hostile Arab state, that might also drive the British and Indians to give a greater focus on keeping the Trucial States away from the Pakt, although the two nations would have conflicting interests on the status of the Gulf States themselves. Oil would be even cheaper for the Europeans too as they can now practically control the majority of the world's production outside the US.

III A) Madagascar on the Pakt would be an enormous boon for the Germans, they get to install U-Boat bases to strike the Indian Ocean and rocket bases to put more pressure on Portugal and South Africa as a Sword of Damocles constantly threatening Mozambique and South Africa. It is also likely that the United States would start giving more support for local rebel groups after 1956.

III B) West Africa staying under France at this point would mean the majority of the continent is under German-Italian influence, it makes it more likely that the United States would support anti-colonial movements that will start growing once the Algerian War begins, but it is doubtful that they can gather enough strength when the French and Germans alike are so completely ruthless in dealing with any dissent. At the first sign of weakness in Paris, the colonies would explode, but if the grip continues they will have little chance of a successful rebellion. Portuguese colonies in West Africa would also be seized by the French after Salazar runs.

IV) If he is not sacked when Wegener falls, Schörner will now be in charge of the offensive in the summer, and the southern front would be under Manstein instead of Manteuffel. As far as Schörner's tactics go, it means the Germans will be more agressive and might reach Orsk, going around the Urals through the south, on the other hand they would also be more exposed against the Russian counter-offensive from Ufa that might actually reach Orenburg, a crucial logistical center for the German effort in Western Kazakhstan.
Here is another idea: You are the commander of one side of the Ural War (Either Wenck or Chuikov) and right now August has begun, how do you win the war while avoiding being sacked or starting a nuclear conflict?
Here is another idea: You are the commander of one side of the Ural War (Either Wenck or Chuikov) and right now August has begun, how do you win the war while avoiding being sacked or starting a nuclear conflict?
[for the nazis] There's the obviously easy common sense way of winning by digging in and trade shells/bombs for blood (which the US did OTL in Korea after the PRC got involved and the frontlines stabilized), knowing that the Russians are on [more] borrowed time as far as their economy/manpower is concerned. Also add in prodigious amount of chem/bio agents to create a continuous deadzone from the arctic down to the black sea. However, this method lack sufficient glory of high intensity close combat.

As this is a trick question, as the ideological answer and the pragmatic answer are opposed to each other.
If he is weakened at just a thousand degrees then the Germans could easily neuter him with one of their nuclear weapons. Wenck may not be as liberal with them as Schörner was, but if they are fighting the supernatural things are different.
To be fair Comrade General is natural :p
But yeah I totally see them being willing to, it wouldnt be the first time they would go on a goosechase hunt for supernatural objects as well
To be fair Comrade General is natural :p
But yeah I totally see them being willing to, it wouldnt be the first time they would go on a goosechase hunt for supernatural objects as well
Heydrich was a fool, Himmler and his dark castles with mystical objects was the only defense the Reich had against the Russian Siberian spirits!

[for the nazis] There's the obviously easy common sense way of winning by digging in and trade shells/bombs for blood (which the US did OTL in Korea after the PRC got involved and the frontlines stabilized), knowing that the Russians are on [more] borrowed time as far as their economy/manpower is concerned. Also add in prodigious amount of chem/bio agents to create a continuous deadzone from the arctic down to the black sea. However, this method lack sufficient glory of high intensity close combat.

As this is a trick question, as the ideological answer and the pragmatic answer are opposed to each other.
Digging in? You just got sacked of inaction, you must at the very least take the Ural mountains before digging in, General!
Heydrich was a fool, Himmler and his dark castles with mystical objects was the only defense the Reich had against the Russian Siberian spirits!
You got me to laught out loud, thank you

Another in-universe question

How well would the Reich have fared without nukes?

Assuming someone else doesnt get it and nukes them into oblivion as well, though the idea of a japanese-style occupation of the Reich is intriguing
Here is another idea: You are the commander of one side of the Ural War (Either Wenck or Chuikov) and right now August has begun, how do you win the war while avoiding being sacked or starting a nuclear conflict?
For Germany, try a small offensive in the North to reach the Ural frontier and then pull forces down to the South while leaving the remaining forces in the North on defense. And then launch a massive offensive down South to reach the Urals. If we get there before Winter, then dig in all along the Urals to make sure the Russians don’t pass, while also trying to defeat the partisans and strengthen the supply lines.

For Russia, let the Germans overextend themselves when they attack in August while using scorched earth tactics to make sure they aren’t able to resupply. And then when they reach their max, counterattack along the flanks and encircle their troops. And then push towards the Volga before we ourselves get overextended and dig in as the winter comes. Basically a larger scale version of the Winter Offensive in 1958 or how we dealt with Napoleon.
Heydrich was a fool, Himmler and his dark castles with mystical objects was the only defense the Reich had against the Russian Siberian spirits!

Gonna repost this meme here: