Striving for a world transformed by justice and peace - a TL from 1827

Here is the full cabinet:
Prime Minister: Sarah Taylor
Lord Chancellor: Lord George Jessel
Lord President of the Council and leader of the House of Commons: John Ferguson
Lord Privy Seal and leader of the House of Lords: Lord Richard Ellis
Chancellor of the Exchequer: Robert Cunninghame Graham
Foreign Secretary: Ann Hewitson
Home Secretary: Robert Blatchford
First Lord of the Admiralty: Sidney Buxton
President Board of Agriculture and Fisheries: Henry Banks
Colonial Secretary: Thomas Mann
President Board of Education: Helena Born
President Health and Local Government Board: Marian Bernstein
India Secretary: John Bruce Glasier
Ireland Secretary: Roisin Allen
Chancellor Duchy of Lancaster: Will Thorne
Postmaster-General: William Jowett
Scotland Secretary: Keir Hardie
President Board of Trade: Charles Conybeare
Wales Secretary: Thomas Daronwy Isaac
War Secretary: William Abraham
First Commissioner of Works: Ann Hicks
The South African War ended on 7 September 1902 with the surrender of the armed forces of the Boer Republics of the Orange Free State, and Transvaal. By the Treaty of Pretoria signed on 16 September 1902, the Boer Republics were incorporated into the Union of South Africa. Non-whites in the former Republics were enfranchised and all discrimination against them was abolished.