Not Sure How to Graph This Data

So I have a dataset (working off X's and Y's) that I am working on that I plan to use for a set of Wikiboxes, and I desire to split the data between nine points; the concept was to have a Venn Diagram with nine circles, one in the center and eight others on the compass points, from which I could then start drawing up the parties. Unfortunately I haven't found anyway to do this, though I will freely admit that I am not all that experienced in these matters. Does anyone have any idea how I could do this?
I am sorry that I haven't understood what's the complication in this yet. What seems to be your problem? Is it that: You cannot orgainze the data? Find a way of drawing the circles in a way that follows your concept idea? Draw the circles in the manner you wish? Find a program to do anything of the aforementioned?
Not having any insight into the patterns of the data, I'd suggest not thinking of the divisions as circles, but as rectangles. Figure out the terciles for the X- and Y-coordinate distributions, and then classify each data point based on whether it falls in the top, middle, or bottom third of each distribution.
I am sorry that I haven't understood what's the complication in this yet. What seems to be your problem? Is it that: You cannot orgainze the data? Find a way of drawing the circles in a way that follows your concept idea? Draw the circles in the manner you wish? Find a program to do anything of the aforementioned?
I suppose...... all of the above?

Not having any insight into the patterns of the data, I'd suggest not thinking of the divisions as circles, but as rectangles. Figure out the terciles for the X- and Y-coordinate distributions, and then classify each data point based on whether it falls in the top, middle, or bottom third of each distribution.
So I have two points of Data, Dim 1 and Dim 2, each representing X and Y respectively on a Graph. The Graph itself is technically a chart representing the ideology of Congressional members, X representing how Liberal/Conservative they are Socially, Y representing how Liberal/Conservative they are economically. I was then dividing that data into nine segments in much the same way as I was asking about the circles, setting up nine representative parties. I can and have done it by hand, but I've been hoping to come up with a way to do so automatically, or at the very least to determine which members go to which party.
The data is from this website (here) in particular.
Personally, I would just work with a spreadsheet, rather than a graph. But that's me.

Alternatively, split the graph itself into segments, and see which points are in which segment.