Indonesia ATL: The Presidency of Try Sutrisno (1997-)

With 438 votes, Gen. (Ret.) Try Sutrisno
Lmao, we all know what group are not doing their part in the voting... And it's neither PPP or Regional Delegates

I can't wait for the smug faces of treasonous elements within Try's support base to disappear when the hand of God himself intervene in favor of Try Sutrisno that subsequently will purge their asses... Gonna be pretty easy after the loosening of Dwifungsi and streamlining of the cabinet

I swear if f-ing megatron won, I'm gonna go crazy and start attacking people Great chapter as always
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Lmao, we all know what group are not doing their part in the voting... And it's neither PPP or Regional Delegates

I can't wait for the smug faces of treasonous elements within Try's support base to disappear when the hand of God himself intervene in favor of Try Sutrisno that subsequently will purge their asses... Gonna be pretty easy after the loosening of Dwifungsi and streamlining of the cabinet

I swear if f-ing megatron won, I'm gonna go crazy and start attacking people Great chapter as always
Had to agree with this one...(who on earth isn't)...
Hmmm..... Lemme see....

W? Not that Wi, but the other Wi. But if it turns out to be B, i would not surprised.
I did have a private conversation with him regarding this, and TLDR, I was thinking if there would be other notable person but now that I think of it, I think the Sunday meeting would be large enough and would be definitely involving the B (my first guess), both the Wi and and some more others...

P/s: It went completely off my head that B is...well [REDACTED]...oops
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235: Shoring Up Support
8th March 2003:
President Try Sutrisno convened a meeting at the Presidential Palace. It was attended by the Chairman of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Harsudiono Hartas, Co-Secretaries of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Sarwono Kusumaatmadja and Siswono Yudohusodo, Chairman of the PPP’s MPR Delegation Zarkasih Nur and the Secretary of the PPP’s MPR Delegation Yusuf Rizal Tjokroaminoto. The Regional Delegates’ were represented by Dahlan Iskan and Irman Gusman. Edi Sudrajat also sat in on the meeting.

The meeting was a surprisingly succinct. The President only said that what’s important now is to try and get as many of the Group Delegates’ delegate members to get off the fence and vote for him. Dahlan said that the Regional Delegates already committed to the President will help this process along.

“Make sure that the Regional Delegates committed to me will commit for another round”, the President told Dahlan “Win or lose, it will be the last time.”

The meeting broke up and Zarkasih, Yusuf Rizal, Dahlan, and Irman were the first to leave the Presidential Palace thinking that the meeting was over. Instead, the President and those present retreated again into the depths of the Presidential Palace for what in actuality was the real and more crurcial meeting. The importance of the meeting was further highlighted by the presence of Chairman of the PKPI Basofi Sudirman and Chairman of the PPP Matori Abdul Djlalil, both chairmen putting aside their respective roles as Vice Chairman of the MPR and Chairman of the MPR for the moment. The two chairmen were accompanied by Secretary of the PKPI Joyokusumo and Secretary of the PPP Bachtiar Chamsyah.

Sarwono was the speaker, explaining about the meeting he’s just had with Akbar Tandjung and its contents. The President, in response said that the information that has just been conveyed by Sarwono must remain confidential for as long as possible. He said that he wanted the final push to get the Group Delegates’ votes disguise the fact that Akbar was intending to switch his vote as well as maybe get some actual votes.

Basofi and Matori asked on behalf of the PKPI and the PPP whether Akbar and his supporters would get seats in the cabinet. Both seemed relieved when Sarwono said that Akbar’s request was for support for a future candidacy as chairman of the PKPB. Basofi said that he was worried that there would be “less seats for everyone after their hard work” if Akbar and his supporters joined the cabinet, but the President said he understood the matter and told him not to worry.

There was silence as everyone processed the discussion.

“Do we have enough votes to secure your re-election, Mr. President?” asked Matori.

“Whether I do or don’t”, the President replied “I don’t think I will settle with just getting by, simply because if it turns out I don’t have enough it’s bye-bye Try…”

Sarwono then went on, saying that it was important that no more votes are leaked. This segued into the next part of his presentation.

“The info from Akbar is that we are leaking votes from ABRI”, Sarwono reported “And by that I mean, we have ABRI delegates casting their votes in favor of the Chairwoman of the PKPB.”

Edi’s eyes blazed with anger and for a second Sarwono thought he was going to get told off for being a “smartass civilian”. But then Edi looked at Harsudiono who had attended the meeting with Akbar and heard about this and he could only look at the floor.

“Akbar said that a few days ago he bumped into Lt. Gen. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as he walked into the PKPB’s offices to meet with Tutut and Prabowo”, Sarwono continued.

Edi opened his mouth to speak.

“Don’t try to explain it”, interrupted Harsudiono “I tried…I can’t think of any reason why he should be there.”

“Bambang…”, Edi muttered “But why?”

“Because I didn’t name him Army Chief of Staff twice”, the President replied with almost guilty expression on his face “Not everybody will just sit down and be content if I don’t name them to the position they want.”

“We’re of the opinion, Mr. President, that whatever votes we’re leaking from ABRI it can be regained”, Harsudiono said “They’re doing this because they think you’re not aware of it, if they could see that you’re aware of it…you are after all their constitutional Supreme Commander…”

“How many votes does Bambang commands?” asked the President.

“That’s what we need to determine, Mr. President”, replied Harsudiono.

The President thought it over.

“I’m going to need to meet the Commander of ABRI”, the President said to Edi “Please summon him.”

At Grand Hyatt Hotel, Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ginandjar Kartasasmita fronted the press together after their meeting. The two said that they continue to find common ground with each other. Tutut said that Ginandjar was “easily” the best official in the current government while Ginandjar said that he has “fond memories” of working President Soeharto.

Chairman of the PKPB’s MPR Delegation Prabowo Subianto watched all this accompanied by Secretary of the PKPB ZA Maulani, Akbar Tandjung, and the PPP’s Hamzah Haz.

“If my sister-in-law emerges victorious, she chooses Ginandjar as vice president”, Prabowo muttered “But if she fails to get elected, we all have to support Ginandjar when he nominates for president.”

“I’d say that’s a win-win for Ginandjar”, Akbar said.

“I’d say so too, Bang Akbar, but it’s the best deal we can get. We can’t get President Try to accept our offer and Ginandjar’s right, his supporters have been casting their votes for our Chairwoman so we need to return the favor”, Prabowo said “Right now though, for tomorrow, what we need is votes.”

Prabowo turned to Hamzah.

“We’ll scrounge around in the Group Delegates but it’ll be your party we’ll be counting on to get votes from”, Prabowo said.

As cars began arriving in Jakarta’s shopping centers for Saturday Night, Commander of ABRI Wiranto was in the Presidential Palace facepalming in reaction to the information which he had received from the President. He was aghast, shocked and embarrassed all at the same time. Once he got over it, he pulled out his pen, grabbed a scrap piece of paper and begin writing furiously on it before he handed it over to the President.

“I don’t need your resignation right now”, the President said as he tore the paper into shreds.

“This happened under my watch, Mr. President”, Wiranto said in exasperation.

“You threw your lot in with me the night President Soeharto died and I’ll never forget that”, the President replied “You didn’t have anything to do with this but you’re right, it did happen under your command. What I need right now is for you to do something about this situation. I need to know how many ABRI votes he controls and I need those votes back with me.”

At Kebagusan in Jakarta’s Southern Suburbs, Chairwoman of the PNI Megawati Soekarnoputri held a dinner party attended by all 84 of the PNI’s MPR Delegates at her private residence in a courtyard which had been converted into an open door dinner party room with round tables and buffet food. The special guests that night were 17 PPP delegates of Muhammadiyah affiliation led by former Vice Chairman of the DPR Ali Hardi Kiai Demak. From the Group Delegates, Amien Rais himself attended.

There were a lot of cheer in the event which, even though it was officially a private party, attracted a lot of media attention. In her keynote speech, Megawati said that they were on the eve of something that no expected would happen.

“The last few years have been about Try Sutrisno vs. Tutut Soeharto and yet tomorrow, if we stay the course, they will have taken each other out of the equation. They will have taken each other out and the forces of change will have its opportunity.

At this particular time, I would like to make special mention of Mas Amien. He is one person outside of the PNI who has shown faith in our cause. It was he who saw that if the PNI was to have its opportunity at the presidency, then the two giants which has attracted our nation’s attention must be made to eliminate each other…”

The real purpose of the dinner party was not so much the public unveiling of Megawati and Amien’s collaboration as it was 102 known abstention votes distancing themselves physically from the lobbying and maneuvering for votes happening in the central of the city. The aim, from the perspective of Megawati and Amien, to make doubly sure that no one emerges as the winner the next day.

In PPP folklore, the joke was that this was the night the PPP was "The P and P and P" because it was divided three ways. In addition to those who had attended Megawati’s dinner party, there were those who followed Hamzah Haz’s lead in supporting Tutut Soeharto and those remaining with Matori Abdul Djalil in supporting the President.

That evening, Matori’s PPP delegates reported that they were being approached by Hamzah’s PPP delegates asking them to meet and talk as fellow PPP members rather than as supporters of different presidential candidates. A few Matori PPP delegates took the bait and have ended up in meetings where they were being pressured by the Hamzah PPP delegates to vote for Tutut. The report quickly flowed back to Mandarin Oriental where the PPP delegation was staying.

The response of the Matori PPP was to send its delegates up to the hotel’s club lounge, keep them busy with FA Cup Football from England and food, and keep access restricted to “unwanted guests”.

At Borobudur Hotel where the Group Delegates stayed, guests and staff would remember an inordinate amount of “important-looking” people, booking tables or VIP rooms at the hotels various rooms and cafes as well as sitting in lobbies to have discussions with each other that Saturday Night. The interesting thing was that these “important-looking” people would acknowledge other “important-looking” people but stay right away from them. That was how the MPR Delegates’ lobbying looked to the general populace.

At his room, Abdurrahman Wahid (Nahdlatul Ulama) hosted the Chairman of the Group Delegates Nurcholish Madjid (Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals). After having room service and amidst the near misses, Wahid tried his best to lobby Nurcholish.

“The thing is this, Cak, *nose twitch* you’re punishing the President for the work that has been done over the last 5 years”, Wahid said “You’re punishing him by *nose twitch* sitting there and not giving him your vote despite what he has done and achieved *nose twitch*.”

“I maintain once again, Gus, that whether or not someone is elected or not re-elected is a partisan matter”, Nurcholish said “The Group Delegates’ role is to balance that partisan tendency in the MPR by being non-partisan.”

“And yet, *nose twitch* the fact is you have, whether knowingly or not being partisan *nose twitch*”, Wahid said “It was the Group Delegates that was pushing *nose twitch* for the PNI’s proposal to amend the rules of presidential elections *nose twitch* to be adopted by the MPR, it was the Group Delegates that facilitated the game Mega is playing *nose twitch* where she wants to be president by waiting for the people in the ring to knock each other out.”

A goal was scored but Nurcholish did not react to it. He was thinking deeply about what Wahid was saying.

With a football match playing in the background, representatives of the PKPI and the Regional Delegates counted and recounted the votes they had. Overseeing things, Harsudiono was amazed at what they had managed to do for they manage to squeeze out some more votes from the Group Delegates. The President’s decision not to disclose the votes Akbar was bringing over meant that they worked harder trying to lobby for votes.

Harsudiono looked at the projected vote count… the puzzle pieces were falling into place...

At the end of each day of the MPR General Session, the ABRI Delegates attended a briefing session led by Chairman of the ABRI Delegation Djamari Chaniago and Secretary of the ABRI Delegation Agustadi Sasongko Purnomo. The briefing’s purpose was to bring all members of the ABRI Delegation up to speed with the latest developments. Once the briefing was completed, all of the officers returned to their rooms and that was the end of their day.

For the third day running, however, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would sneak out. Together with his close compatriots Air V.Mshl Djoko Suyanto and Agustadi Sasongko Purnomo, whose role in the ABRI Delegation had helped disguise what they have been doing, Yudhoyono headed out from the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel where ABRI’s MPR Delegation was staying. They rode on ojeks which have become familiar with their routines and which have become familiar with their routes, Wahid Hasyim Street then turn to the Kebon Kacang area and then to the backdoor of the Grand Hyatt.

Yudhoyono was now familiar with the secret passageways, leading to the hotel’s business center and then an office which had been taken over by Prabowo and Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin. The 5 discussed recent developments with Prabowo saying that he would need more ABRI votes to cross over and vote for Tutut. Yudhoyono said that in the first two rounds of voting, he has been able to find 35 votes to go and vote for Tutut, he said he can find “a few” for the third round but could not guarantee how many votes that he could gather. Prabowo told Yudhoyono to do “what you can” because he’s disappointed that Hamzah Haz had not been able to deliver the votes from the PPP.

Just then Yudhoyono’s mobile phone buzzed and he looked down at the SMS to read it. He looked up at Prabowo with a disturbed expression on his face.

“Everything okay?” asked Prabowo.

“Yes, it’s just that another ABRI Delegation Briefing Session is happening right now”, Yudhoyono said before turning to Agustadi “But that can’t be right.”

“We’ve had an ABRI Delegation Briefing Session today”, Agustadi replied “The one we attended before we came here.”

As quickly as possible Yudhoyono’s group of three returned to their hotel. They entered the lobby and it was empty and silent except for faint noises from the hotel’s bar where patrons watched the football match.

Yudhoyono recognized someone walking around in the hallway leading to the ballroom. It was Maj. Gen. Djoko Santoso.

“What’s happening? There’s another briefing session?” asked Yudhoyono, demanding to know.

Djoko Santoso’s face was a combination of relief that he had not agreed to join Yudhoyono in his venture and concern at what could happen next.

“There is”, Djoko Santoso replied “We’re taking a break to wait for your arrival so that you can attend it to.”

“What’s this briefing about?” Yudhoyono asked.

Djoko Santoso looked at Yudhoyono.

“I don’t know how they did it, but they’ve found out about you and the votes you’re bringing over to the Chairwoman of the PKPB”, Djoko Santoso replied “And they’re here now, they’ve confiscated mobile phones so we can't communicate with the outside world.”

At this Agustadi and Djoko Suyanto swallowed nervously while Yudhoyono tried to maintain a stoic expression on his face.

“Who are ‘they’?” asked Yudhoyono.

“The Commander of ABRI, the Army Chief of Staff, the Navy Chief of Staff, the Air Force Chief of Staff, and the Chief of Police but they’re MPR Delegates too so that’s not a biggie” Djoko Santoso replied “No, no the biggies are the Minister of Defense and Security, the State Secretary and the Chief of BAKIN, they’re here too.”

Yudhoyono steeled himself. When Edi Sudrajat was Army Chief of Staff (1988-1993) and Wismoyo Arismunandar was Deputy Army Chief of Staff (1992-1993), Yudhoyono had served on their staff as a speech writer. Imagining their disappointed looks, Yudhoyono prepared his counter-argument: that he had supported the President to the point where he had been one of the few trustworthy officers the President could rely on for support and that the President had taken him for granted, which was his way for saying that his career had stalled and that he had missed out on being Army Chief of Staff twice.

He walked to the ballroom where the ABRI MPR Delegation’s briefing sessions was held. Yudhoyono stood tall as he walked while Djoko Suyanto and Agustadi struggled to hide their worry. As the doors to the ballroom got closer, Yudhoyono was noticed by a person in a jacket accompanied by some young men standing just outside the door. This person was clearly not a civilian for his salute was very perfect and proper.

Now it was Yudhoyono’s turn to be worried…for this person was Commander of the Presidential Bodyguard Nono Sampono. The presence of the Commander of the Presidential Bodyguard could only mean one thing…

Nono escorted Yudhoyono, Djoko Suyanto, and Agustadi inside. In the corner of a room, a group of officers were standing and crowding around something.

“The Governor of Lemhanas”, Nono announced.

Now the officers turned in Yudhoyono’s direction. Wiranto stared daggers at him while Army Chief of Staff TB Hasanuddin remained impassive and looked like he was trying to study Yudhoyono’s expression. Minister of Defense and Security Wismoyo Arismunandar shook his head while Edi Sudrajat looked almost hurt.

“Let me see him”, came a voice in the middle of all the officers whereupon they parted the way and Yudhoyono came face to face with the President.

Unlike the other four, the President kept his feelings outside of his facial expression. Yudhoyono was mindful that the entire room was looking in their direction. He stood straight and saluted the President. The latter responded with a nod of his head as he walked up to Yudhoyono, looking as though he was about to say something.

It was at this time that Yudhoyono’s mobile phone rang.

“You should answer that”, the President said.

Yudhoyono pressed the green button and brought the mobile phone to his ear.

“Is everything all right?” asked a voice audible enough for the President to hear and identify as Prabowo’s.

The President looked at Yudhoyono with an amused expression. Yudhoyono continued to be aware that everyone in the room was looking in his direction.

“Sure, I’m fine”, Yudhoyono replied, knowing that there was no way out of the situation now.

ITTL, Yudhoyono was passed over twice for the Army Chief of Staff’s position. In August 2000 when he lost out to Luhut and in January 2002 when he lost out to TB Hasanuddin.

SBY’s “arc” was something that happened organically (ie. I never planned it). I just thought to myself “Would this guy be unhappy at not being Army Chief of Staff twice?”. In OTL, SBY also missed out on being Army Chief of Staff because he was appointed Minister of Mining and Energy by Gus Dur. He is on the record as being very deeply disappointed about this appointment which required him to go into early retirement from the military as per Reformasi rules about military personnel taking on civilian population. So I took the stab by saying that he would probably do something. and for articles about OTL SBY's feeling on failing to become Army Chief of Staff.

ITTL, SBY has been the Governor of Lemhanas since January 2002.

The officers mentioned accompanying SBY to the meeting with Prabowo and interacting with him as he returned to the hotel, except for the Commander of the Presidential Bodyguards, were officers that did well in OTL in SBY's government. Djoko Suyanto was Air Force Chief of Staff (2005-2006) then Commander of the TNI (2006-2007), Agustadi was Army Chief of Staff (2007-2009) and Djoko Santoso was Army Chief of Staff (2005-2007) then Commander of the TNI (2007-2010).

Despite what's happening ITTL, the OTL PKPI was part of Yudhoyono's Coalition with PKPI's Meutia Hatta as State Minister of Female Empowerment.
At Grand Hyatt Hotel, Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ginandjar Kartasasmita fronted the press together after their meeting. The two said that they continue to find common ground with each other. Tutut said that Ginandjar was “easily” the best official in the current government while Ginandjar said that he has “fond memories” of working President Soeharto.

Chairman of the PKPB’s MPR Delegation Prabowo Subianto watched all this accompanied by Secretary of the PKPB ZA Maulani, Akbar Tandjung, and the PPP’s Hamzah Haz.

“If my sister-in-law emerges victorious, she chooses Ginandjar as vice president”, Prabowo muttered “But if she fails to get elected, we all have to support Ginandjar when he nominates for president.”

“I’d say that’s a win-win for Ginandjar”, Akbar said.

“I’d say so too, Bang Akbar, but it’s the best deal we can get. We can’t get President Try to accept our offer and Ginandjar’s right, his supporters have been casting their votes for our Chairwoman so we need to return the favor”, Prabowo said “Right now though, for tomorrow, what we need is votes.”

Prabowo turned to Hamzah.

“We’ll scrounge around in the Group Delegates but it’ll be your party we’ll be counting on to get votes from”, Prabowo said.
NGL, I just realized considering the fact that they have public press conference could be a bit declaring who does supporting Tutut is perhaps seems to be as if Prabowo really did not think properly what does the words
until the time comes to vote for your election to the presidency, we should not reveal how many votes we have.”
does entails...if anyone within Try's inner circle said that statement and planned their thing around that statement, that would certainly meant there must be no such public conferences of that manner.
At Kebagusan in Jakarta’s Southern Suburbs, Chairwoman of the PNI Megawati Soekarnoputri held a dinner party attended by all 84 of the PNI’s MPR Delegates at her private residence in a courtyard which had been converted into an open door dinner party room with round tables and buffet food. The special guests that night were 17 PPP delegates of Muhammadiyah affiliation led by former Vice Chairman of the DPR Ali Hardi Kiai Demak. From the Group Delegates, Amien Rais himself attended.

There were a lot of cheer in the event which, even though it was officially a private party, attracted a lot of media attention. In her keynote speech, Megawati said that they were on the eve of something that no expected would happen.

“The last few years have been about Try Sutrisno vs. Tutut Soeharto and yet tomorrow, if we stay the course, they will have taken each other out of the equation. They will have taken each other out and the forces of change will have its opportunity.

At this particular time, I would like to make special mention of Mas Amien. He is one person outside of the PNI who has shown faith in our cause. It was he who saw that if the PNI was to have its opportunity at the presidency, then the two giants which has attracted our nation’s attention must be made to eliminate each other…”

The real purpose of the dinner party was not so much the public unveiling of Megawati and Amien’s collaboration as it was 102 known abstention votes distancing themselves physically from the lobbying and maneuvering for votes happening in the central of the city. The aim, from the perspective of Megawati and Amien, to make doubly sure that no one emerges as the winner the next day.
Well, it would be interesting to see their reaction if their plans fails
In PPP folklore, the joke was that this was the night the PPP was "The P and P and P" because it was divided three ways. In addition to those who had attended Megawati’s dinner party, there were those who followed Hamzah Haz’s lead in supporting Tutut Soeharto and those remaining with Matori Abdul Djalil in supporting the President.

That evening, Matori’s PPP delegates reported that they were being approached by Hamzah’s PPP delegates asking them to meet and talk as fellow PPP members rather than as supporters of different presidential candidates. A few Matori PPP delegates took the bait and have ended up in meetings where they were being pressured by the Hamzah PPP delegates to vote for Tutut. The report quickly flowed back to Mandarin Oriental where the PPP delegation was staying.

The response of the Matori PPP was to send its delegates up to the hotel’s club lounge, keep them busy with FA Cup Football from England and food, and keep access restricted to “unwanted guests”.
PPP is unfortunately still in shambles...
At Borobudur Hotel where the Group Delegates stayed, guests and staff would remember an inordinate amount of “important-looking” people, booking tables or VIP rooms at the hotels various rooms and cafes as well as sitting in lobbies to have discussions with each other that Saturday Night. The interesting thing was that these “important-looking” people would acknowledge other “important-looking” people but stay right away from them. That was how the MPR Delegates’ lobbying looked to the general populace.

At his room, Abdurrahman Wahid (Nahdlatul Ulama) hosted the Chairman of the Group Delegates Nurcholish Madjid (Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals). After having room service and amidst the near misses, Wahid tried his best to lobby Nurcholish.

“The thing is this, Cak, *nose twitch* you’re punishing the President for the work that has been done over the last 5 years”, Wahid said “You’re punishing him by *nose twitch* sitting there and not giving him your vote despite what he has done and achieved *nose twitch*.”

“I maintain once again, Gus, that whether or not someone is elected or not re-elected is a partisan matter”, Nurcholish said “The Group Delegates’ role is to balance that partisan tendency in the MPR by being non-partisan.”

“And yet, *nose twitch* the fact is you have, whether knowingly or not being partisan *nose twitch*”, Wahid said “It was the Group Delegates that was pushing *nose twitch* for the PNI’s proposal to amend the rules of presidential elections *nose twitch* to be adopted by the MPR, it was the Group Delegates that facilitated the game Mega is playing *nose twitch* where she wants to be president by waiting for the people in the ring to knock each other out.”

A goal was scored but Nurcholish did not react to it. He was thinking deeply about what Wahid was saying.
With a football match playing in the background, representatives of the PKPI and the Regional Delegates counted and recounted the votes they had. Overseeing things, Harsudiono was amazed at what they had managed to do for they manage to squeeze out some more votes from the Group Delegates. The President’s decision not to disclose the votes Akbar was bringing over meant that they worked harder trying to lobby for votes.

Harsudiono looked at the projected vote count… the puzzle pieces were falling into place...

At the end of each day of the MPR General Session, the ABRI Delegates attended a briefing session led by Chairman of the ABRI Delegation Djamari Chaniago and Secretary of the ABRI Delegation Agustadi Sasongko Purnomo. The briefing’s purpose was to bring all members of the ABRI Delegation up to speed with the latest developments. Once the briefing was completed, all of the officers returned to their rooms and that was the end of their day.

For the third day running, however, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono would sneak out. Together with his close compatriots Air V.Mshl Djoko Suyanto and Agustadi Sasongko Purnomo, whose role in the ABRI Delegation had helped disguise what they have been doing, Yudhoyono headed out from the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel where ABRI’s MPR Delegation was staying. They rode on ojeks which have become familiar with their routines and which have become familiar with their routes, Wahid Hasyim Street then turn to the Kebon Kacang area and then to the backdoor of the Grand Hyatt.

Yudhoyono was now familiar with the secret passageways, leading to the hotel’s business center and then an office which had been taken over by Prabowo and Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin. The 5 discussed recent developments with Prabowo saying that he would need more ABRI votes to cross over and vote for Tutut. Yudhoyono said that in the first two rounds of voting, he has been able to find 35 votes to go and vote for Tutut, he said he can find “a few” for the third round but could not guarantee how many votes that he could gather. Prabowo told Yudhoyono to do “what you can” because he’s disappointed that Hamzah Haz had not been able to deliver the votes from the PPP.
Ahh...that is more than I though (15-25) ABRI is more fragmented than it first seems?
Just then Yudhoyono’s mobile phone buzzed and he looked down at the SMS to read it. He looked up at Prabowo with a disturbed expression on his face.

“Everything okay?” asked Prabowo.

“Yes, it’s just that another ABRI Delegation Briefing Session is happening right now”, Yudhoyono said before turning to Agustadi “But that can’t be right.”

“We’ve had an ABRI Delegation Briefing Session today”, Agustadi replied “The one we attended before we came here.”

As quickly as possible Yudhoyono’s group of three returned to their hotel. They entered the lobby and it was empty and silent except for faint noises from the hotel’s bar where patrons watched the football match.

Yudhoyono recognized someone walking around in the hallway leading to the ballroom. It was Maj. Gen. Djoko Santoso.

“What’s happening? There’s another briefing session?” asked Yudhoyono, demanding to know.

Djoko Santoso’s face was a combination of relief that he had not agreed to join Yudhoyono in his venture and concern at what could happen next.

“There is”, Djoko Santoso replied “We’re taking a break to wait for your arrival so that you can attend it to.”

“What’s this briefing about?” Yudhoyono asked.

Djoko Santoso looked at Yudhoyono.

“I don’t know how they did it, but they’ve found out about you and the votes you’re bringing over to the Chairwoman of the PKPB”, Djoko Santoso replied “And they’re here now, they’ve confiscated mobile phones so we can't communicate with the outside world.”
Oh dear....
At this Agustadi and Djoko Suyanto swallowed nervously while Yudhoyono tried to maintain a stoic expression on his face.

“Who are ‘they’?” asked Yudhoyono.

“The Commander of ABRI, the Army Chief of Staff, the Navy Chief of Staff, the Air Force Chief of Staff, and the Chief of Police but they’re MPR Delegates too so that’s not a biggie” Djoko Santoso replied “No, no the biggies are the Minister of Defense and Security, the State Secretary and the Chief of BAKIN, they’re here too.”

Yudhoyono steeled himself. When Edi Sudrajat was Army Chief of Staff (1988-1993) and Wismoyo Arismunandar was Deputy Army Chief of Staff (1992-1993), Yudhoyono had served on their staff as a speech writer. Imagining their disappointed looks, Yudhoyono prepared his counter-argument: that he had supported the President to the point where he had been one of the few trustworthy officers the President could rely on for support and that the President had taken him for granted, which was his way for saying that his career had stalled and that he had missed out on being Army Chief of Staff twice.

He walked to the ballroom where the ABRI MPR Delegation’s briefing sessions was held. Yudhoyono stood tall as he walked while Djoko Suyanto and Agustadi struggled to hide their worry. As the doors to the ballroom got closer, Yudhoyono was noticed by a person in a jacket accompanied by some young men standing just outside the door. This person was clearly not a civilian for his salute was very perfect and proper.

Now it was Yudhoyono’s turn to be worried…for this person was Commander of the Presidential Bodyguard Nono Sampono. The presence of the Commander of the Presidential Bodyguard could only mean one thing…

Nono escorted Yudhoyono, Djoko Suyanto, and Agustadi inside. In the corner of a room, a group of officers were standing and crowding around something.

“The Governor of Lemhanas”, Nono announced.

Now the officers turned in Yudhoyono’s direction. Wiranto stared daggers at him while Army Chief of Staff TB Hasanuddin remained impassive and looked like he was trying to study Yudhoyono’s expression. Minister of Defense and Security Wismoyo Arismunandar shook his head while Edi Sudrajat looked almost hurt.

“Let me see him”, came a voice in the middle of all the officers whereupon they parted the way and Yudhoyono came face to face with the President.

Unlike the other four, the President kept his feelings outside of his facial expression. Yudhoyono was mindful that the entire room was looking in their direction. He stood straight and saluted the President. The latter responded with a nod of his head as he walked up to Yudhoyono, looking as though he was about to say something.

It was at this time that Yudhoyono’s mobile phone rang.
“You should answer that”, the President said.

Yudhoyono pressed the green button and brought the mobile phone to his ear.

“Is everything all right?” asked a voice audible enough for the President to hear and identify as Prabowo’s.

The President looked at Yudhoyono with an amused expression.
No need to comment whatsoever....
Yudhoyono continued to be aware that everyone in the room was looking in his direction.

“Sure, I’m fine”, Yudhoyono replied, knowing that there was no way out of the situation now.

ITTL, Yudhoyono was passed over twice for the Army Chief of Staff’s position. In August 2000 when he lost out to Luhut and in January 2002 when he lost out to TB Hasanuddin.

SBY’s “arc” was something that happened organically (ie. I never planned it). I just thought to myself “Would this guy be unhappy at not being Army Chief of Staff twice?”. In OTL, SBY also missed out on being Army Chief of Staff because he was appointed Minister of Mining and Energy by Gus Dur. He is on the record as being very deeply disappointed about this appointment which required him to go into early retirement from the military as per Reformasi rules about military personnel taking on civilian population. So I took the stab by saying that he would probably do something. and for articles about OTL SBY's feeling on failing to become Army Chief of Staff.

ITTL, SBY has been the Governor of Lemhanas since January 2002.

The officers mentioned accompanying SBY to the meeting with Prabowo and interacting with him as he returned to the hotel, except for the Commander of the Presidential Bodyguards, were officers that did well in OTL in SBY's government. Djoko Suyanto was Air Force Chief of Staff (2005-2006) then Commander of the TNI (2006-2007), Agustadi was Army Chief of Staff (2007-2009) and Djoko Santoso was Army Chief of Staff (2005-2007) then Commander of the TNI (2007-2010).

Despite what's happening ITTL, the OTL PKPI was part of Yudhoyono's Coalition with PKPI's Meutia Hatta as State Minister of Female Empowerment.
Hmm...considering the amount of potential gain votes, it would interesting to see if perhaps they are planning something unique...for things....

doing something that makes the PKPB ...or even something a bit more be in a state of shambles at the aftermath of the third round...

Whatever happens.. I am looking forward to it...
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NGL, I just realized considering the fact that they have public press conference could be a bit declaring who does supporting Tutut is perhaps seems to be as if Prabowo really did not think properly what does the words
I probably should edit that so that it's clearer. Tutut and Ginandjar is saying that they are continuing to discuss with each other and finding points of agreement. But the whole "Tutut will choose Ginandjar as VP if she wins and will support Ginandjar if she doesn't emerge as the winner" is private and has not been announced yet.

The only appropriate reaction for the last part.


The political intrigue happening within the span of a few days is quite hectic. As someone pretty new to our political scene, this is really fascinating, to have an insight of how political processes worked at the time.
I'm going to reveal the range of my age here. I was old enough to remember the 1993 and 1998 MPR General Sessions. I wasn't old enough to think "This is just a mechanism for Soeharto to get re-elected over and over again" but I was old enough to realize that there was something theatrical about it. You don't have a long process where someone says "I'm running for election/re-election", they have a long campaign, they get elected, they get inaugurated. What you have instead is all that process crammed into the however many days the MPR is in session with the last day of the MPR Session usually being the day when the president and the VP is inaugurated.

Now if the Soeharto-era MPR Sessions was theatrical, the only Reformasi-era MPR General Session (1999) was hectic. Where the endgame of the Soeharto-era MPR Sessions was obvious (get Soeharto re-elected), nobody knew what was going to happen and things just moved at a faster and faster pace as the presidential election got nearer.

If I was to say what I'm trying to portray here in the TL, I would say I'm trying to mix the theater of the New Order General Sessions with the hecticness (is that even a word) of the Reformasi-Era MPR General Session.
Rereading this for the 4th time and just realize that my recent quip...
Hmm, i got reminded somewhere on this thread when Edi got offered the Vice Presidency position IRL.
... is an ITTL thing instead of an IRL/OTL one.

Meanwhile, with MPR delegates filing out around them, Edi Sudrajat faced off with Hartono. Hartono had chased Edi down and said that Tutut was offering a coalition with Try. In exchange for Try’s support for Tutut as a presidential candidate, Tutut was willing to offer the Chairmanship of the MPR for Try. Edi said that what Tutut is asking was for Try to withdraw his candidacy and declared that the only way Try was losing the presidency is if he lost in the ballots. Hartono then said that Tutut would like to offer Edi the vice presidency at which point Edi raised his hand to punch Hartono before he was kept away by Wismoyo.

"What an embarrassment", Hartono snapped "Coming third in the ballots and still insisting on carrying on."
Yeah lol....
“A Catholic as vice president”, Edi Sudrajat commented while eating his lunch “It’s a tall order, Mr. President.”

“Would you rather it be you, Edi?” asked Try sarcastically “You’re on the short list as well.”

“It’s why I’m working so hard to get Sumarlin elected”, Edi said “Because if it’s not, it’s my ass that's going to be dragged to the vice presidency.”
What a bro.
Rereading this for the 4th time and just realize that my recent quip...

... is an ITTL thing instead of an IRL/OTL one.

Yeah lol....
The thing I wanted to show is that Edi is so widely respected even among opponents/enemies that a) Try wouldn't mind picking him as Vp if he could and b) If Try and Tutut for whatever reason need to go into a coalition together where Tutut isthe president, Edi's going to be part of the equation.

What a bro.
If you want to know how much of a bro Edi could potentially be, in OTL he nominated for Chairman of Golkar in 1998 during Habibie’s era but lost. But it’s speculated that had he succeeded Edi was going to use this position to call on the MPR to hold a special session, remove Habibie as president and elect Try as president in his place.

Check out the second paragraph in this link akbar golkar congress try sutrisno&f=false
If you want to know how much of a bro Edi could potentially be, in OTL he nominated for Chairman of Golkar in 1998 during Habibie’s era but lost. But it’s speculated that had he succeeded Edi was going to use this position to call on the MPR to hold a special session, remove Habibie as president and elect Try as president in his place.

Check out the second paragraph in this link akbar golkar congress try sutrisno&f=false
Luckily with it never happened (as i believe Try would rather retiring instead of what happened ITTL), Edi is still a total bro in my eyes.

that would be on the agenda for the next term...
Yup, i even suggested the merged name to be Siaran Republik Indonesia (Broadcasting of the Republic of Indonesia) earlier.
236: Being Expected To Get Out Of The Way
9th March 2003:
Not long after Governor of Lemhanas’ Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s awkward phonecall, President Try Sutrisno left things in the care of Commander of ABRI Wiranto and returned to the Presidential Palace to rest, though he was not able to sleep.

It was the late hours in the morning when some cars arrived and the President found himself convening a meeting attended by Wiranto, Deputy Commander of ABRI Chappy Hakim, ABRI Chief of General Staff Djaja Suparman, and ABRI Chief of Socio-Political Affairs Staff Djamari Chaniago. The four branches were represented by Army Chief of Staff TB Hasanuddin, Navy Chief of Staff Djoko Sumaryono, Air Force Chief of Staff Ali Munsiri Rappe, and Chief of Police Ansyaad Mbai. Minister of Defense and Security Wismoyo Arismunandar, State Secretary Edi Sudrajat, and Chief of BAKIN Ari Sudewo.

Djamari Chaniago, in his report to the meeting, confirmed that 35 officers had voted for Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto in the previous two rounds of voting. They had been able to camouflage themselves themselves by the fact that one of those who shared their sympathies was Secretary of the ABRI Delegation Agustadi Sasongko. The President responded by asking Djamari why these 35 had voted for the other side.

Djamari said that those who voted for Tutut acknowledged and praised the President’s effort to develop ABRI as a military force over the last 5 years. At the same time, however, because of these developments, “social and political” postings have lost their luster, not so much because ABRI’s officers have insurbodinate tendencies but because ABRI officers feel that they can make better contributions in assignments which best reflect ABRI’s “defense and security function” rather than its “social and political function”.

“They know there’s such a thing as the Dual Function, right?” The President asked.

“They do and they’re not seeking to dismantle Dual Function, Mr. President”, replied Wiranto “Merely that at the present time they feel that they will better serve ABRI and the nation if they were out there helping ABRI improve rather than sitting in the DPR/MPR…if I may say so this is an attitude that has become commonplace in the officer corps in the last 12-18 months, it’s just the case that not everyone chooses to go and vote for your opponent.”

“What are we looking at in terms of votes?” asked Edi.

“Of the 35 that had voted for Tutut, 14 has gone back to the President on account of our explanation about the reorganization of ABRI agreed upon last year”, Wiranto replied.

“Make sure you get as many as possible of the others and that they don’t have access to communications”, said the President “We have about 12 hours.”

At the Grand Hyatt, Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto had a one-on-one meeting with Chairman of the PKPB’s MPR Delegation Prabowo Subianto. Prabowo looked grim as he reported the latest developments.

“We managed to get some votes here and there from the Group Delegates with Bang Akbar bringing around 2 or 3 votes on his own, but Hamzah Haz hasn’t been successful at getting any votes from the PPP”, Prabowo reported “As for the Regional Delegates…there’s literally no more votes there, everyone has committed either to you or to the President.”

Tutut thought things through carefully.

“How many votes would I have in this round?” asked Tutut.

“We’ll get more than the previous round but nowhere near the required amount to be elected” Prabowo “The only reason you’re still taking part in this is because if you withdraw, the President gets re-elected because he’s the only left.”

Prabowo looked at his sister-in-law, she seemed to be taking this better than expected.

“Get a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, Tutut said “I want to reiterate to him the PKPB’s support for his candidacy as president in the event that there is still no winner after the round of voting today but at the same time, I want him to be clear that he must keep our interests in mind.”

“You mean there’s specific policies where you don’t want him to depart from?”, asked Prabowo.

“No, I mean our interests…” said Tutut.

“I see”, Prabowo said thinking of the various companies, charitable foundations, bank accounts, concessions, land, property, and any other assets both in Indonesia and overseas that he has seen or is aware of since he married into the family “Those interests…”

At Hotel Indonesia, Chairman of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Harsudiono Hartas, Co-Secretaries of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Sarwono Kusumaatmadja and Siswono Yudohusodo, and Edi Sudrajat sat huddled at the table over breakfast to count the votes.

“461 votes plus a minimum of 30 votes from Akbar and 14 ABRI votes which switched back from Tutut has returned…” Harsudiono began.

“And we still haven’t counted the new votes we got from the Group Delegates”, Sarwono said.

Edi studied the count which was on paper in front of him.

“It’s not real until it’s happened”, Edi muttered “It’s the last round, we need to maximize the votes the President will get in case we got less votes than expected.”

At the President Hotel, Chairwoman of the PNI Megawati Soekarnoputri held a joint press conference with Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Amien Rais, the latter representing the Group Delegates. Megawati read out a statement that a vote “for either the President or for the Chairwoman of the PKPB constitutes a victory for the New Order and a defeat for the little people”. Therefore, Megawati calls upon all those MPR Delegates who “hold the people in their conscience” to abstain in the vote to be held by the MPR in the afternoon.

At short notice, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ginandjar Kartasasmita arrived for a meeting with the President. Edi was still with the PKPI’s MPR Delegates and it was up to Military Secretary Saurip Kadi to accept Ginandjar’s request for a meeting and escort him to the President.

“Tutut is asking to meet and I have agreed to it, Mr. President” Ginandjar announced.

“Why should this be news to me considering that you’ve had plenty meetings with her without notifying me, Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs?” the President asked trying to remain pleasant.

“She intends to further elaborate a few details about our understanding with each other”, Ginandjar continued “One of which is that if elected president, she would like me to nominate for vice president.”

“Oh, I see”, the President said with sarcasm “She wins and you become her vice president and if there’s still no winner, she’ll support you when you nominate for president.”

“I told you that she will return the favor I’ve given to her”, Ginandjar said with a confident smile “Just as you will too…will you also commit to what she has agreed with me, Mr. President?”

The President smiled cynically.

“You really want to be the guy that unites Try Sutrisno and Tutut, don’t you? The one person that enjoys both of their support?” the President asked.

“I think the MPR and the nation will look on that favorably”, Ginandjar explained “The two of you as rivals were destructive enough to leave Golkar in ruins and now three rounds of voting has not produced a result…”

Ginandjar’s words trailed off and a silence dawned as he waited for the President’s response.

“My response is the same as our last meeting”, the President said “Any discussion about your candidacy for the office I’m holding now…and let’s face it, that’s what’s your interested in ultimately, not the vice presidency…is something best reserved for after the third round of voting in the event that there’s still no winner.”

Ginandjar was about to say something but the President beat him to it.

“I’m not finished yet”, the President said “I’m willing to have the discussion after the round of voting because I respect you and the work you’ve done with me in foreign affairs. I hope you’ll show respect for the work we’ve done together by NOT meeting with the Chairwoman of the PKPB and that you’ll meet her after the third round of voting.”

Lunchtime at the Presidential Palace was attended by the President, Harsudiono, Edi, Wiranto and PKPI MPR Delegate Hendropriyono. The President began by explaining the meeting he just had with Ginandjar. Edi was fuming and muttered something about Ginandjar continuing to reveal his true colours. Harsudiono on the other hand was excited.

“This is our chance, Mr. President”, Harsudiono “Tutut insisting to have a meeting with Ginandjar now as opposed to after the third round of voting…well that means she thinks she won’t get enough votes to get elected…this is it…”

The President turned to Wiranto and asked for an update. Wiranto was grim. Saying that Yudhoyono is now acting as the spokesman of the remaining ABRI MPR Delegates which have not committed to switch their votes back to the President.

“He is asking, on these officers’ behalf, that there will be no repercussions to the careers of those who had voted for the other side in the first two rounds if they were to vote for you in the third round of voting”, Wiranto asked.

The President looked thoughfully into the space in front of him and then turned to Wiranto again.

“Let’s accept his offer”, the President replied.

Wiranto was about to say something in response but took a glance at Edi and shook his head.

“I guarantee that there won’t be any repercussions to those who have not voted for me in the past rounds”, the President said “This is for the sake of ABRI’s development as a military force…we will need all hands on deck to further develop and strengthen ABRI as a military force.”

Both Wiranto and Edi wrote down the President’s decision on a piece of paper. In the meantime, the President turned to Hendropriyono and asked for the news he had come to the meeting to deliver. Hendropriyono said that Megawati has asked for a meeting the President once the third round of voting at the MPR has been completed to discuss “the political situation”.

Edi scoffed.

“There’s a lot of assumption with the time that’s being requested”, Edi said “They’re really that confident that there won’t be a result after today’s round of voting?”

“Very much so, Mr. State Secretary”, Hendropriyono “They are very determined to pull off their gameplan which is to let the President and the Chairwoman of the PKPB take each other out and open the way for the Chairwoman of the PNI to come in and nominate for the president.”

“And so the purpose of this meeting with her will be what?” asked the President “She wants me to support her when she nominates for president?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it, Mr. President”, replied Hendropriyono “They know that in the event their scenario pans out, Megawati’s opponent will be the Minister of Foreign Affairs. They’re thinking that if the PKPB’s going to support the Minister of Foreign Affairs at such an eventuality, then it only makes sense for you to support Megawati in such a contest.”

“You probably want to see this…”, he said.

At the private residence of former Vice President Sudharmono, Tutut and Ginandjar stood side by side with Sudharmono in the middle.

To the gathered media Tutut and Ginandjar said that they now not only have areas of common ground but that they now officially have “an understanding” which they will announce after the third round of voting, whatever the results. Sudharmono was beaming saying that both Tutut and Ginandjar constitute a new generation of “New Order leadership”.

They then took questions with Ginandjar taking a question that all gathered in the press seem to have on their mind.

“Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs, foreign policy is an area where the current government can be said to be successful in terms of Indonesia becoming more assertive on the international stage. You are a part of that success, forming a successful partnership with President Try. But now here you are with the President’s opponent, after finding common ground, points of agreement in the last few days, you now have an understanding, what do you think President Try makes of all this?” asked a reporter.

“The President is a great statesman and one of the signs of his greatness is that he has not gotten in the way of this meeting”, Ginandjar replied.

“But does he approve of what you’re doing? You’ve seen an awful lot of the Chairwoman of the PKPB in recent days?” prodded the reporter.

“Well I’ve also met quiet a bit with President Try during the MPR General Session but nobody seems to be taking notice of that”, Ginandjar said “And I will be meeting with him again after this round of voting.”


The President was looking down at the table, an uncertain smile on his face.

“Tutut…Megawati…Ginandjar…Bambang Yudhoyono…” the President said as he shook his head “Right now all they have in common is they expect me to do nothing and get out of the way…”

Edi looked at the President’s as he tried to figure what he was about to do next. And then Edi saw it…the same determined look on his face that started the chain of events which led to Golkar’s end.

The President turned to Edi.

“I want you to prepare two Presidential Decisions for me to sign before you leave for the MPR Building and vote”, the President “You can still do that, right? There’s just slightly over 2 hours.”

“I can do that, Mr. President”, asked Edi “What do you want to make some decisions about?”

“My decision on there being no repercussions on the careers of those who will switch back to voting for me still stands”, the President said turning for a few seconds to Wiranto before turning back to Edi “But let’s make an example out of someone so that no one ever thinks of voting against the President again…I want a Presidential Decision be prepared which dismisses Lt. Gen. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from his office as Governor of the Lemhanas”.

Wiranto flashed a smile of approval. Edi nodded in understanding.

“And the other Presidential Decision, Mr. President?” asked Edi.

“The other Presidential Decision will be one concerning the removal of Ginandjar Kartasasmita as the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, the President said.

I always envision the beginnings of a shift in attitude from Dual Function ITTL as coming from the officer corps itself. Increased defense spending, an expanded military organization, and military modernization and you have a situation where the political and civilian postings lose their appeal when compared to actual military assignments.

I have this book at home written by Prabowo’s father: In it, Prabowo is portrayed as looking disapprovingly at the wealth being accumulated by the Soeharto children. The conversation between Tutut and Prabowo is basically Tutut thinking that if her chances at becoming president is slim, they better make sure whoever does will make sure the “interests” are safe and that she’s okay with Ginandjar at the helm.

Megawati and Amien being political allies have their echoes in OTL. In early 1998, they both agreed that political change need to happen (ie. There should be presidential candidates other than Soeharto)

The significance of Hendropriyono being the one to convey a message from Megawati to Try is of course that in 1993-1994, Hendropriyono (and Agum Gumelar the ITTL Indonesian Ambassador to China) helped Megawati get elected as Chairwoman of the PDI. I considered Hendropriyono betraying Try as well but I thought there’s already Ginandjar, there’s already Hamzah, and there’s already SBY turning their backs on Try, I thought it’s probably too much to have Hendropriyono do it as well.

And also, according to Hendropriyono, he got in trouble for helping Megawati and no less than Try, Edi, and Wismoyo all tried to convince Soeharto not to punish him. Try, Edi, and Wismoyo failed but I’m sure this would make Hendropriyono loyal to Try’s government (

Sudharmono's role here is as a Soeharto loyalist and Ginandjar's mentor.
9th March 2003:
Not long after Governor of Lemhanas’ Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s awkward phonecall, President Try Sutrisno left things in the care of Commander of ABRI Wiranto and returned to the Presidential Palace to rest, though he was not able to sleep.

It was the late hours in the morning when some cars arrived and the President found himself convening a meeting attended by Wiranto, Deputy Commander of ABRI Chappy Hakim, ABRI Chief of General Staff Djaja Suparman, and ABRI Chief of Socio-Political Affairs Staff Djamari Chaniago. The four branches were represented by Army Chief of Staff TB Hasanuddin, Navy Chief of Staff Djoko Sumaryono, Air Force Chief of Staff Ali Munsiri Rappe, and Chief of Police Ansyaad Mbai. Minister of Defense and Security Wismoyo Arismunandar, State Secretary Edi Sudrajat, and Chief of BAKIN Ari Sudewo.

Djamari Chaniago, in his report to the meeting, confirmed that 35 officers had voted for Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto in the previous two rounds of voting. They had been able to camouflage themselves themselves by the fact that one of those who shared their sympathies was Secretary of the ABRI Delegation Agustadi Sasongko. The President responded by asking Djamari why these 35 had voted for the other side.

Djamari said that those who voted for Tutut acknowledged and praised the President’s effort to develop ABRI as a military force over the last 5 years. At the same time, however, because of these developments, “social and political” postings have lost their luster, not so much because ABRI’s officers have insurbodinate tendencies but because ABRI officers feel that they can make better contributions in assignments which best reflect ABRI’s “defense and security function” rather than its “social and political function”.

“They know there’s such a thing as the Dual Function, right?” The President asked.

“They do and they’re not seeking to dismantle Dual Function, Mr. President”, replied Wiranto “Merely that at the present time they feel that they will better serve ABRI and the nation if they were out there helping ABRI improve rather than sitting in the DPR/MPR…if I may say so this is an attitude that has become commonplace in the officer corps in the last 12-18 months, it’s just the case that not everyone chooses to go and vote for your opponent.”

“What are we looking at in terms of votes?” asked Edi.

“Of the 35 that had voted for Tutut, 14 has gone back to the President on account of our explanation about the reorganization of ABRI agreed upon last year”, Wiranto replied.

“Make sure you get as many as possible of the others and that they don’t have access to communications”, said the President “We have about 12 hours.”
At the Grand Hyatt, Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto had a one-on-one meeting with Chairman of the PKPB’s MPR Delegation Prabowo Subianto. Prabowo looked grim as he reported the latest developments.

“We managed to get some votes here and there from the Group Delegates with Bang Akbar bringing around 2 or 3 votes on his own, but Hamzah Haz hasn’t been successful at getting any votes from the PPP”, Prabowo reported “As for the Regional Delegates…there’s literally no more votes there, everyone has committed either to you or to the President.”

Tutut thought things through carefully.

“How many votes would I have in this round?” asked Tutut.

“We’ll get more than the previous round but nowhere near the required amount to be elected” Prabowo “The only reason you’re still taking part in this is because if you withdraw, the President gets re-elected because he’s the only left.”

Prabowo looked at his sister-in-law, she seemed to be taking this better than expected.

“Get a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, Tutut said “I want to reiterate to him the PKPB’s support for his candidacy as president in the event that there is still no winner after the round of voting today but at the same time, I want him to be clear that he must keep our interests in mind.”

“You mean there’s specific policies where you don’t want him to depart from?”, asked Prabowo.

No, I mean our interests…” said Tutut.

“I see”, Prabowo said thinking of the various companies, charitable foundations, bank accounts, concessions, land, property, and any other assets both in Indonesia and overseas that he has seen or is aware of since he married into the family “Those interests…
Well...I do sense something...perhaps...ehh...I don't know how to put it....
At Hotel Indonesia, Chairman of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Harsudiono Hartas, Co-Secretaries of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Sarwono Kusumaatmadja and Siswono Yudohusodo, and Edi Sudrajat sat huddled at the table over breakfast to count the votes.

“461 votes plus a minimum of 30 votes from Akbar and 14 ABRI votes which switched back from Tutut has returned…” Harsudiono began.

“And we still haven’t counted the new votes we got from the Group Delegates”, Sarwono said.

Edi studied the count which was on paper in front of him.

“It’s not real until it’s happened”, Edi muttered “It’s the last round, we need to maximize the votes the President will get in case we got less votes than expected.”
Well...that is more votes than the final round previous election...but...I do wonder what do they now...
At the President Hotel, Chairwoman of the PNI Megawati Soekarnoputri held a joint press conference with Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Amien Rais, the latter representing the Group Delegates. Megawati read out a statement that a vote “for either the President or for the Chairwoman of the PKPB constitutes a victory for the New Order and a defeat for the little people”. Therefore, Megawati calls upon all those MPR Delegates who “hold the people in their conscience” to abstain in the vote to be held by the MPR in the afternoon.

At short notice, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ginandjar Kartasasmita arrived for a meeting with the President. Edi was still with the PKPI’s MPR Delegates and it was up to Military Secretary Saurip Kadi to accept Ginandjar’s request for a meeting and escort him to the President.

“Tutut is asking to meet and I have agreed to it, Mr. President” Ginandjar announced.

“Why should this be news to me considering that you’ve had plenty meetings with her without notifying me, Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs?” the President asked trying to remain pleasant.

“She intends to further elaborate a few details about our understanding with each other”, Ginandjar continued “One of which is that if elected president, she would like me to nominate for vice president.”

“Oh, I see”, the President said with sarcasm “She wins and you become her vice president and if there’s still no winner, she’ll support you when you nominate for president.”

“I told you that she will return the favor I’ve given to her”, Ginandjar said with a confident smile “Just as you will too…will you also commit to what she has agreed with me, Mr. President?”

The President smiled cynically.

“You really want to be the guy that unites Try Sutrisno and Tutut, don’t you? The one person that enjoys both of their support?” the President asked.

“I think the MPR and the nation will look on that favorably”, Ginandjar explained “The two of you as rivals were destructive enough to leave Golkar in ruins and now three rounds of voting has not produced a result…”

Ginandjar’s words trailed off and a silence dawned as he waited for the President’s response.

“My response is the same as our last meeting”, the President said “Any discussion about your candidacy for the office I’m holding now…and let’s face it, that’s what’s your interested in ultimately, not the vice presidency…is something best reserved for after the third round of voting in the event that there’s still no winner.”

Ginandjar was about to say something but the President beat him to it.

“I’m not finished yet”, the President said “I’m willing to have the discussion after the round of voting because I respect you and the work you’ve done with me in foreign affairs. I hope you’ll show respect for the work we’ve done together by NOT meeting with the Chairwoman of the PKPB and that you’ll meet her after the third round of voting.”
I think Ginandjar would get a hint on what is coming....
Lunchtime at the Presidential Palace was attended by the President, Harsudiono, Edi, Wiranto and PKPI MPR Delegate Hendropriyono. The President began by explaining the meeting he just had with Ginandjar. Edi was fuming and muttered something about Ginandjar continuing to reveal his true colours. Harsudiono on the other hand was excited.

“This is our chance, Mr. President”, Harsudiono “Tutut insisting to have a meeting with Ginandjar now as opposed to after the third round of voting…well that means she thinks she won’t get enough votes to get elected…this is it…”

The President turned to Wiranto and asked for an update. Wiranto was grim. Saying that Yudhoyono is now acting as the spokesman of the remaining ABRI MPR Delegates which have not committed to switch their votes back to the President.

“He is asking, on these officers’ behalf, that there will be no repercussions to the careers of those who had voted for the other side in the first two rounds if they were to vote for you in the third round of voting”, Wiranto asked.

The President looked thoughfully into the space in front of him and then turned to Wiranto again.

“Let’s accept his offer”, the President replied.

Wiranto was about to say something in response but took a glance at Edi and shook his head.

“I guarantee that there won’t be any repercussions to those who have not voted for me in the past rounds”, the President said “This is for the sake of ABRI’s development as a military force…we will need all hands on deck to further develop and strengthen ABRI as a military force.”

Both Wiranto and Edi wrote down the President’s decision on a piece of paper. In the meantime, the President turned to Hendropriyono and asked for the news he had come to the meeting to deliver. Hendropriyono said that Megawati has asked for a meeting the President once the third round of voting at the MPR has been completed to discuss “the political situation”.

Edi scoffed.

“There’s a lot of assumption with the time that’s being requested”, Edi said “They’re really that confident that there won’t be a result after today’s round of voting?”

“Very much so, Mr. State Secretary”, Hendropriyono “They are very determined to pull off their gameplan which is to let the President and the Chairwoman of the PKPB take each other out and open the way for the Chairwoman of the PNI to come in and nominate for the president.”

“And so the purpose of this meeting with her will be what?” asked the President “She wants me to support her when she nominates for president?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it, Mr. President”, replied Hendropriyono “They know that in the event their scenario pans out, Megawati’s opponent will be the Minister of Foreign Affairs. They’re thinking that if the PKPB’s going to support the Minister of Foreign Affairs at such an eventuality, then it only makes sense for you to support Megawati in such a contest.”

“You probably want to see this…”, he said.

At the private residence of former Vice President Sudharmono, Tutut and Ginandjar stood side by side with Sudharmono in the middle.

To the gathered media Tutut and Ginandjar said that they now not only have areas of common ground but that they now officially have “an understanding” which they will announce after the third round of voting, whatever the results. Sudharmono was beaming saying that both Tutut and Ginandjar constitute a new generation of “New Order leadership”.

They then took questions with Ginandjar taking a question that all gathered in the press seem to have on their mind.

“Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs, foreign policy is an area where the current government can be said to be successful in terms of Indonesia becoming more assertive on the international stage. You are a part of that success, forming a successful partnership with President Try. But now here you are with the President’s opponent, after finding common ground, points of agreement in the last few days, you now have an understanding, what do you think President Try makes of all this?” asked a reporter.

“The President is a great statesman and one of the signs of his greatness is that he has not gotten in the way of this meeting”, Ginandjar replied.

“But does he approve of what you’re doing? You’ve seen an awful lot of the Chairwoman of the PKPB in recent days?” prodded the reporter.

“Well I’ve also met quiet a bit with President Try during the MPR General Session but nobody seems to be taking notice of that”, Ginandjar said “And I will be meeting with him again after this round of voting.”


The President was looking down at the table, an uncertain smile on his face.

“Tutut…Megawati…Ginandjar…Bambang Yudhoyono…” the President said as he shook his head “Right now all they have in common is they expect me to do nothing and get out of the way…”

Edi looked at the President’s as he tried to figure what he was about to do next. And then Edi saw it…the same determined look on his face that started the chain of events which led to Golkar’s end.

The President turned to Edi.

“I want you to prepare two Presidential Decisions for me to sign before you leave for the MPR Building and vote”, the President “You can still do that, right? There’s just slightly over 2 hours.”

“I can do that, Mr. President”, asked Edi “What do you want to make some decisions about?”

“My decision on there being no repercussions on the careers of those who will switch back to voting for me still stands”, the President said turning for a few seconds to Wiranto before turning back to Edi “But let’s make an example out of someone so that no one ever thinks of voting against the President again…I want a Presidential Decision be prepared which dismisses Lt. Gen. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from his office as Governor of the Lemhanas”.

Wiranto flashed a smile of approval. Edi nodded in understanding.

“And the other Presidential Decision, Mr. President?” asked Edi.

“The other Presidential Decision will be one concerning the removal of Ginandjar Kartasasmita as the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, the President said.
Well, there's two vacancies now, and the process to fill do meant some shuffling needed to do..., I do wonder if Try do have a personal meeting with SBY to set things straight...
I always envision the beginnings of a shift in attitude from Dual Function ITTL as coming from the officer corps itself. Increased defense spending, an expanded military organization, and military modernization and you have a situation where the political and civilian postings lose their appeal when compared to actual military assignments.
I do wonder if the shift in attitude do mean from ABRI would led to calls from those who follow Nurcholish's calls for less involvement from the Group Delegates...
I have this book at home written by Prabowo’s father: In it, Prabowo is portrayed as looking disapprovingly at the wealth being accumulated by the Soeharto children. The conversation between Tutut and Prabowo is basically Tutut thinking that if her chances at becoming president is slim, they better make sure whoever does will make sure the “interests” are safe and that she’s okay with Ginandjar at the helm.
I do wonder if Prabowo do keep in mind how would their interest would probably affect the day-to-day administrative stuff...
Megawati and Amien being political allies have their echoes in OTL. In early 1998, they both agreed that political change need to happen (ie. There should be presidential candidates other than Soeharto)

The significance of Hendropriyono being the one to convey a message from Megawati to Try is of course that in 1993-1994, Hendropriyono (and Agum Gumelar the ITTL Indonesian Ambassador to China) helped Megawati get elected as Chairwoman of the PDI. I considered Hendropriyono betraying Try as well but I thought there’s already Ginandjar, there’s already Hamzah, and there’s already SBY turning their backs on Try, I thought it’s probably too much to have Hendropriyono do it as well.

And also, according to Hendropriyono, he got in trouble for helping Megawati and no less than Try, Edi, and Wismoyo all tried to convince Soeharto not to punish him. Try, Edi, and Wismoyo failed but I’m sure this would make Hendropriyono loyal to Try’s government (

Sudharmono's role here is as a Soeharto loyalist and Ginandjar's mentor.
Quite surprised Mega does decide to relay it's intention quite early....and I do wonder if he does have some plans for her...
Not long after Governor of Lemhanas’ Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono’s awkward phonecall, President Try Sutrisno left things in the care of Commander of ABRI Wiranto and returned to the Presidential Palace to rest, though he was not able to sleep.

It was the late hours in the morning when some cars arrived and the President found himself convening a meeting attended by Wiranto, Deputy Commander of ABRI Chappy Hakim, ABRI Chief of General Staff Djaja Suparman, and ABRI Chief of Socio-Political Affairs Staff Djamari Chaniago. The four branches were represented by Army Chief of Staff TB Hasanuddin, Navy Chief of Staff Djoko Sumaryono, Air Force Chief of Staff Ali Munsiri Rappe, and Chief of Police Ansyaad Mbai. Minister of Defense and Security Wismoyo Arismunandar, State Secretary Edi Sudrajat, and Chief of BAKIN Ari Sudewo.
Idk why i just bemused at this. Better let Wismoyo and Edy dressing SBY down than the Supreme Commander himself.
Djamari Chaniago, in his report to the meeting, confirmed that 35 officers had voted for Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto in the previous two rounds of voting. [...] The President responded by asking Djamari why these 35 had voted for the other side.

Djamari said that those who voted for Tutut acknowledged and praised the President’s effort to develop ABRI as a military force over the last 5 years. At the same time, however, because of these developments, “social and political” postings have lost their luster, not so much because ABRI’s officers have insurbodinate tendencies but because ABRI officers feel that they can make better contributions in assignments which best reflect ABRI’s “defense and security function” rather than its “social and political function”.

“They know there’s such a thing as the Dual Function, right?” The President asked.

“They do and they’re not seeking to dismantle Dual Function, Mr. President”, replied Wiranto “Merely that at the present time they feel that they will better serve ABRI and the nation if they were out there helping ABRI improve rather than sitting in the DPR/MPR…if I may say so this is an attitude that has become commonplace in the officer corps in the last 12-18 months, it’s just the case that not everyone chooses to go and vote for your opponent.”
I always envision the beginnings of a shift in attitude from Dual Function ITTL as coming from the officer corps itself. Increased defense spending, an expanded military organization, and military modernization and you have a situation where the political and civilian postings lose their appeal when compared to actual military assignments.
Lol, my negative thinking side tells me that this just means that they wanted to be in the spotlight. Aceh and Moluccas are dormant, East Timor is content, and Papua is tamed. Unless a certain Libyan leader starts making moves....

Giving them COIN assignment on "Hearts and Minds" postings there would assuage their fears, i believe. And this is the voice of my positive thinking's side.

“We managed to get some votes here and there from the Group Delegates with Bang Akbar bringing around 2 or 3 votes on his own, but Hamzah Haz hasn’t been successful at getting any votes from the PPP”, Prabowo reported “As for the Regional Delegates…there’s literally no more votes there, everyone has committed either to you or to the President.”

Tutut thought things through carefully.

“How many votes would I have in this round?” asked Tutut.

“We’ll get more than the previous round but nowhere near the required amount to be elected” Prabowo “The only reason you’re still taking part in this is because if you withdraw, the President gets re-elected because he’s the only left.”
This would make Akbar's surprise to be great later on, ahahahahahaha.....
“Get a meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, Tutut said “I want to reiterate to him the PKPB’s support for his candidacy as president in the event that there is still no winner after the round of voting today but at the same time, I want him to be clear that he must keep our interests in mind.”

“You mean there’s specific policies where you don’t want him to depart from?”, asked Prabowo.

“No, I mean our interests…” said Tutut.

“I see”, Prabowo said thinking of the various companies, charitable foundations, bank accounts, concessions, land, property, and any other assets both in Indonesia and overseas that he has seen or is aware of since he married into the family “Those interests…”
I have this book at home written by Prabowo’s father: In it, Prabowo is portrayed as looking disapprovingly at the wealth being accumulated by the Soeharto children. The conversation between Tutut and Prabowo is basically Tutut thinking that if her chances at becoming president is slim, they better make sure whoever does will make sure the “interests” are safe and that she’s okay with Ginandjar at the helm.
Not surprised at all if that's all they cared about. I almost pitied Prabs... almost.
“What are we looking at in terms of votes?” asked Edi.

“Of the 35 that had voted for Tutut, 14 has gone back to the President on account of our explanation about the reorganization of ABRI agreed upon last year”, Wiranto replied.

“Make sure you get as many as possible of the others and that they don’t have access to communications”, said the President “We have about 12 hours.”
At Hotel Indonesia, Chairman of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Harsudiono Hartas, Co-Secretaries of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Sarwono Kusumaatmadja and Siswono Yudohusodo, and Edi Sudrajat sat huddled at the table over breakfast to count the votes.

“461 votes plus a minimum of 30 votes from Akbar and 14 ABRI votes which switched back from Tutut has returned…” Harsudiono began.

“And we still haven’t counted the new votes we got from the Group Delegates”, Sarwono said.

Edi studied the count which was on paper in front of him.

“It’s not real until it’s happened”, Edi muttered “It’s the last round, we need to maximize the votes the President will get in case we got less votes than expected.”
Go, Harsudiono and Edi!
At the President Hotel, Chairwoman of the PNI Megawati Soekarnoputri held a joint press conference with Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Amien Rais, the latter representing the Group Delegates. Megawati read out a statement that a vote “for either the President or for the Chairwoman of the PKPB constitutes a victory for the New Order and a defeat for the little people”. Therefore, Megawati calls upon all those MPR Delegates who “hold the people in their conscience” to abstain in the vote to be held by the MPR in the afternoon.
You can have it only after Tutut and her siblings gets her comeuppance, Mbak Mega.
At short notice, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ginandjar Kartasasmita arrived for a meeting with the President. Edi was still with the PKPI’s MPR Delegates and it was up to Military Secretary Saurip Kadi to accept Ginandjar’s request for a meeting and escort him to the President.

“Tutut is asking to meet and I have agreed to it, Mr. President” Ginandjar announced.

“Why should this be news to me considering that you’ve had plenty meetings with her without notifying me, Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs?” the President asked trying to remain pleasant.
Lucky for Ginandjar that Edi wasn't there. Else....
“She intends to further elaborate a few details about our understanding with each other”, Ginandjar continued “One of which is that if elected president, she would like me to nominate for vice president.”

“Oh, I see”, the President said with sarcasm “She wins and you become her vice president and if there’s still no winner, she’ll support you when you nominate for president.”

“I told you that she will return the favor I’ve given to her”, Ginandjar said with a confident smile “Just as you will too…will you also commit to what she has agreed with me, Mr. President?”

The President smiled cynically.

“You really want to be the guy that unites Try Sutrisno and Tutut, don’t you? The one person that enjoys both of their support?” the President asked.

“I think the MPR and the nation will look on that favorably”, Ginandjar explained “The two of you as rivals were destructive enough to leave Golkar in ruins and now three rounds of voting has not produced a result…”

Ginandjar’s words trailed off and a silence dawned as he waited for the President’s response.
Pak Dhar and Ginandjar would have a bad time.
“I’m not finished yet”, the President said “I’m willing to have the discussion after the round of voting because I respect you and the work you’ve done with me in foreign affairs. I hope you’ll show respect for the work we’ve done together by NOT meeting with the Chairwoman of the PKPB and that you’ll meet her after the third round of voting.”


Lunchtime at the Presidential Palace was attended by the President, Harsudiono, Edi, Wiranto and PKPI MPR Delegate Hendropriyono. The President began by explaining the meeting he just had with Ginandjar. Edi was fuming and muttered something about Ginandjar continuing to reveal his true colours. Harsudiono on the other hand was excited.

“This is our chance, Mr. President”, Harsudiono “Tutut insisting to have a meeting with Ginandjar now as opposed to after the third round of voting…well that means she thinks she won’t get enough votes to get elected…this is it…”
Yeah, keep being tough. I hope Ginandjar would not be that stupid, right?
The President turned to Wiranto and asked for an update. Wiranto was grim. Saying that Yudhoyono is now acting as the spokesman of the remaining ABRI MPR Delegates which have not committed to switch their votes back to the President.

“He is asking, on these officers’ behalf, that there will be no repercussions to the careers of those who had voted for the other side in the first two rounds if they were to vote for you in the third round of voting”, Wiranto asked.

The President looked thoughfully into the space in front of him and then turned to Wiranto again.

“Let’s accept his offer”, the President replied.

Wiranto was about to say something in response but took a glance at Edi and shook his head.

“I guarantee that there won’t be any repercussions to those who have not voted for me in the past rounds”, the President said “This is for the sake of ABRI’s development as a military force…we will need all hands on deck to further develop and strengthen ABRI as a military force.”

Both Wiranto and Edi wrote down the President’s decision on a piece of paper.
On a second thought, let's send SBY to Wamena.
In the meantime, the President turned to Hendropriyono and asked for the news he had come to the meeting to deliver. Hendropriyono said that Megawati has asked for a meeting the President once the third round of voting at the MPR has been completed to discuss “the political situation”.

Edi scoffed.

“There’s a lot of assumption with the time that’s being requested”, Edi said “They’re really that confident that there won’t be a result after today’s round of voting?”

“Very much so, Mr. State Secretary”, Hendropriyono “They are very determined to pull off their gameplan which is to let the President and the Chairwoman of the PKPB take each other out and open the way for the Chairwoman of the PNI to come in and nominate for the president.”

“And so the purpose of this meeting with her will be what?” asked the President “She wants me to support her when she nominates for president?”

“I wouldn’t doubt it, Mr. President”, replied Hendropriyono “They know that in the event their scenario pans out, Megawati’s opponent will be the Minister of Foreign Affairs. They’re thinking that if the PKPB’s going to support the Minister of Foreign Affairs at such an eventuality, then it only makes sense for you to support Megawati in such a contest.”
Prepare to be surprised, Mbak Mega!
Megawati and Amien being political allies have their echoes in OTL. In early 1998, they both agreed that political change need to happen (ie. There should be presidential candidates other than Soeharto)

The significance of Hendropriyono being the one to convey a message from Megawati to Try is of course that in 1993-1994, Hendropriyono (and Agum Gumelar the ITTL Indonesian Ambassador to China) helped Megawati get elected as Chairwoman of the PDI. I considered Hendropriyono betraying Try as well but I thought there’s already Ginandjar, there’s already Hamzah, and there’s already SBY turning their backs on Try, I thought it’s probably too much to have Hendropriyono do it as well.

And also, according to Hendropriyono, he got in trouble for helping Megawati and no less than Try, Edi, and Wismoyo all tried to convince Soeharto not to punish him. Try, Edi, and Wismoyo failed but I’m sure this would make Hendropriyono loyal to Try’s government (
I can't see Hendro betraying Try too since he's much more lenient to Mega than Soeharto.
“You probably want to see this…”, he said.

At the private residence of former Vice President Sudharmono, Tutut and Ginandjar stood side by side with Sudharmono in the middle.

To the gathered media Tutut and Ginandjar said that they now not only have areas of common ground but that they now officially have “an understanding” which they will announce after the third round of voting, whatever the results. Sudharmono was beaming saying that both Tutut and Ginandjar constitute a new generation of “New Order leadership”.
Speaking of being not that stupid....
They then took questions with Ginandjar taking a question that all gathered in the press seem to have on their mind.

“Mr. Minister of Foreign Affairs, foreign policy is an area where the current government can be said to be successful in terms of Indonesia becoming more assertive on the international stage. You are a part of that success, forming a successful partnership with President Try. But now here you are with the President’s opponent, after finding common ground, points of agreement in the last few days, you now have an understanding, what do you think President Try makes of all this?” asked a reporter.

“The President is a great statesman and one of the signs of his greatness is that he has not gotten in the way of this meeting”, Ginandjar replied.

“But does he approve of what you’re doing? You’ve seen an awful lot of the Chairwoman of the PKPB in recent days?” prodded the reporter.

“Well I’ve also met quiet a bit with President Try during the MPR General Session but nobody seems to be taking notice of that”, Ginandjar said “And I will be meeting with him again after this round of voting.”

What a snake.
The President was looking down at the table, an uncertain smile on his face.

“Tutut…Megawati…Ginandjar…Bambang Yudhoyono…” the President said as he shook his head “Right now all they have in common is they expect me to do nothing and get out of the way…”

Edi looked at the President’s as he tried to figure what he was about to do next. And then Edi saw it…the same determined look on his face that started the chain of events which led to Golkar’s end.

The President turned to Edi.

“I want you to prepare two Presidential Decisions for me to sign before you leave for the MPR Building and vote”, the President “You can still do that, right? There’s just slightly over 2 hours.”

“I can do that, Mr. President”, asked Edi “What do you want to make some decisions about?”

“My decision on there being no repercussions on the careers of those who will switch back to voting for me still stands”, the President said turning for a few seconds to Wiranto before turning back to Edi “But let’s make an example out of someone so that no one ever thinks of voting against the President again…I want a Presidential Decision be prepared which dismisses Lt. Gen. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono from his office as Governor of the Lemhanas”.

Wiranto flashed a smile of approval. Edi nodded in understanding.

“And the other Presidential Decision, Mr. President?” asked Edi.

“The other Presidential Decision will be one concerning the removal of Ginandjar Kartasasmita as the Minister of Foreign Affairs”, the President said.
Well, this leaves me quite mixed. On one hand, they needs to be punished and Try needs to be assertive. But on the other hand, i very well know that this is just [REDACTED] and certainly would leave more than one mouth gasped.....
“I want you to prepare two Presidential Decisions for me to sign before you leave for the MPR Building and vote”, the President “You can still do that, right? There’s just slightly over 2 hours.”
And thus, we're at the endgame now.
Last edited:
237: The Final Round
9th March 2003:
Being at Borobudur Hotel, the hotel furthest away from the MPR Building, the Group Delegates was the first scheduled to depart. A large bus waited just in front lobby. The last one to emerge was Chairman of the Group Delegates Nurcholish Madjid and microphones were thrust in his face, asking him how the Group Delegates would approach this round of voting. Nurcholish said that in the previous two rounds, despite stating that they will remain impartial in practice MPR Delegates belonging to the Group Delegates have voted or have been persuaded to vote for either one of the presidential candidates. The number of those who have remained impartial are decreasing.

“I have abstained in the previous two rounds of voting but for this round, I think a different approach is required”, Nurcholish said “I want to state on the record that I feel this Government has done well, it took us out the Asian Financial Crisis, it’s built infrastructure and increased living standards. My choice to abstain has been because of my stance that someone has to remain impartial not because I don’t recognize what has been achieved.

I had expected for the vote to be settled in the previous two rounds, but it evidently hasn’t. In the last 24 hours however, my thoughts keep coming back to the following three things. The first is my opinion on how the Government has fared in the last years, which I have just stated. The second thing is the fact that in the event of no candidates achieving enough votes to be declared elected, the President will no longer be allowed to nominate because new candidates would have to be nominated in accordance with the latest MPR Resolution on how the presidential and vice presidential is to be conducted.

The third and final thing, there are those who are abstaining not because they want to remain impartial but for political reasons…because they want to bring about a political outcome. I think the given the political reasons for this, these abstentions should not go unpunished.

For this round of voting, I intend not to remain impartial and cast my vote. I would ask others in the Group Delegates who have yet to cast a vote in the previous rounds to cast their vote in this round of voting.”

At the Presidential Palace, President Try Sutrisno presided over a ceremony in which he swore in the following:

*Marzuki Darusman SH as Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marzuki will continue to retain his existing position as Minister of Legal Affairs
*Lt. Gen. Albert Inkiriwang as Acting Governor of Lemhanas

It was a short ceremony with just enough cameras to cover it because most of the cameramen had departed for the MPR Building.

On the Group Delegates’ bus, where the ceremony was being shown on the bus’ television set, Ginandjar Kartasasmita scoffed quietly. That he had not been informed of this event and the appointment of Marzuki, who had intruded on foreign policy and clashed with Ginandjar, meant that it was calculated to embarrass and humiliate him.

Salah sendiri, pakai main dua kaki segala *nose twitch*”, a voice from elsewhere on the bus was heard saying.

In the PKPB bus, Chairman of the PKPB’s MPR Delegation Prabowo Subianto had thrown down his mobile phone so hard it had shattered into pieces when he saw that the ceremony will also involve the swearing in of the Acting Governor of Lemhanas. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and his band of followers had been caught out and that meant that Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto could no longer be rely on their votes.

In the ABRI bus, Yudhoyono watched with a dejected expression. No one had come to his defense when Commander of ABRI Wiranto announced that he had been dismissed as Governor of Lemhanas. The others caught the message loud and clear that he was being made an example of and that they must fall in line and vote for the Pesident.

“I should just not care and still not vote for him, I have nothing to lose, right?” muttered Yudhoyono.

Mas Bambang, there’s still my career, there’s still Pramono’s career”, said Yudhoyono’s seat buddy, brother-in-law and Inspector General of the Army Erwin Sudjono “And there’s still Agus’ career.”

Yudhoyono shuddered at the thought of the President going after the military careers of his two brothers-in-law and his son. He still had something to lose after all.


At the Presidential Palace, Edi, Marzuki, and Albert Inkiriwang had departed together for the MPR Building in Edi’s official vehicle. The President headed for his private quarters though reporters were keen to get a word from him. Their curiosity why he replaced Ginandjar and Yudhoyono outweighed such questions such as how he felt moments before the MPR decides on his fate.

“I want to be sure whether I have 2 days or 2 months or 2 years or 2 terms as president, that those who I appoint are those I am convinced are on my side, not those openly trying to establish a political relationship with my opponents”, the President replied “The bloody details of the story I’m sure you enterprising reporters and journalists will find out after the MPR General Session, but for now I’d like to be somewhere quiet to watch what’s happening in the MPR. As you all are no doubt aware, my fate is being decided.”

At the MPR Building’s VIP Room, Chairman of the MPR Matori Abdul Djalil looked around at his vice chairmen of the MPR and wondered whether their moods were symbolic of their respective delegations.

Basofi Sudirman (PKPI) was quietly confident while Hartono (PKPB) for once looked dejected rather than looking like someone who was taking it for granted that they will win. Alex Litaay (PNI) was at once determined but ready to crumble at anytime. Nyoman Suwisma (ABRI) looked like he did not get a lot of sleep. Mario Carrascalao (Regional Delegates) seemed prepared for all eventualities while Edwin Soeryadjaya (Group Delegates) looked ready and keen to do something in the voting process rather than sit it out like on previous occasions.

Matori himself felt resolute just as the pro-Try PPP felt resolute, their 68 votes having not wavered despite approaches from the Tutut camp via Hamzah Haz and also by the Chairwoman of the PNI Megawati Soekarnoputri’s camp.

“Mr. Chairman”, an aide called in “The Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, the State Secretary, and the Acting Governor of Lemhanas has arrived and sat down. Everyone’s taken their seats.”

“Let’s do this, then”, Matori said.

It was very late in the afternoon and the amount of time it took for all 1000 delegates to cast their votes and then have it counted, the vote-counting process was certain to become Sunday night “dinner entertainment” for the nation. Whereever there was a television, it seemed, the screen was adjusted to the MPR General Session.

Matori had not wasted his time, for within 5 minutes of sitting down after the national anthem had been played the MPR Delegates were once again called up to the front one-by-one to cast their vote and then put the ballot paper in the ballot box.

There was little drama as the MPR Delegates cast their votes. The KPU staff in charge of overseeing proceedings had once again become more efficient and the voting process, while still taking time because of the amount of delegates, was quicker than in the previous round. There was a collective gasp when Amirul Isnaeni from the ABRI Delegation fainted after he had cast his ballot. A team of paramedics came in and checked on his condition while Wiranto, TB Hasanuddin, and Ryamizard Ryacudu rose from their seats and watched over Amirul. Not long thereafter, Amirul was put on a gurney and taken outside of the MPR room, the explanation being that he had not been well for a few days but had insisted on continuing to participate in the MPR General Session.

Megawati cast her vote with one eye behind her back. She was concerned that Nurcholish’s words along with the jeers of the other MPR Delegates when the votes were counted in the last round was beginning to have an effect on her followers. Her party consisted of those who had marched with her from the days that Soeharto tried to prevent her election as Chairwoman of the PDI right through the dark days after she had her party headquarters forcibly taken from her as well as activists who had stood up against the New Order and held the opinion that there was no difference between Soeharto and Try Sutrisno.

Now they were following a strategy that had been suggested by Chairman of Muhammadiyah Amien Rais and approved by her husband Taufiq Kiemas. The strategy has been quiet successful so far, catching the entire MPR General Session unawares and putting Megawati in a position where she’s one inconclusive round of voting away from seeing the President and Tutut take each other out, leaving the way open for her to nominate for the presidency when the MPR asks for new candidates.

The price to pay had been demoralized followers. The consensus throughout the PNI Delegation during MPR General Session was that what is being done is necessary but whether it was idealistic and in keeping with the spirit of their struggle was another thing. Taufiq Kiemas had cynically countered that this objection had not stopped the PNI’s delegates from cheering when another round of vote had resulted with no winners.

As Megawati returned to her seat, Chairman of the PNI’s MPR Delegation Sutjipto, Kwik Kian Gie, Sabam Sirait and Sidarto Danusubroto tried to put on a brave face while Treasurer of the PNI Laksamana Sukardi and Roy BB Janis looked they're not enjoying the reaction.

And then the moment everyone was expecting for. The master of ceremonies announced that all of the MPR Delegates had voted, the ballot box was collected and the scrutineers summoned.

“You may begin the count”, Matori instructed.

“Here we go”, Harsudiono Hartas.

As the count got underway, Treasurer of the PKPB Akbar Tandjung nervously followed it, drawing his own tally. He looked around at the other PKPB delegates that had decided to go along with what he was doing. They had become more confident with the news that Yudhoyono had been caught out and that in all likelihood, he and his supporters would not be voting for Tutut; it made it seem more likely that they were backing the winning horse. But Akbar was nervous nevertheless.

Akbar pretended to be interested in what Chairwoman of the PKPB Tutut Soeharto was doing. She was surrounded in her seat by Prabowo, Secretary of the PKPB ZA Maulani and the PPP’s Hamzah Haz. There was a guest there too. In what looked to be a gesture of defiance, Ginandjar Kartasasmita, now a part of the Group Delegate without being minister of foreign affairs, made a show of walking over from his seat among the Group Delegates to sit with Tutut.

“Well, we hope that after Cak Nur’s speech that some of the Group Delegates will cast their vote for me”, Tutut said to Ginandjar “But if that should not prove enough, I hope that I can fall back on our arrangement.”

Akbar nodded as though interested. The discussion was about strategy. Tutut said that given Ginandjar will be the presidential candidate the PKPB will support, the vice presidential candidate must be from the PKPB. Ginandjar agreed to this. They also discussed about how the PPP’s support will be important and Hamzah said that all of the PPP votes should be available beause there will be no more obligation to support the President if the President can no longer nominate.

But something interrupted Tutut’s little discussion. The MPR Building had been largely silent as the count got underway but noise was slowly building…

“It’s getting louder”, Prabowo said “What’s happening?”

Tutut listened. As far as she was concerned, there were only three possibilities for her that day. The first was that she would win and be elected as the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia but this was a possibility that was getting less likely every minute. The second was that both she and her opponent would not get enough votes, at which point the MPR would require new candidates be nominated; for which she had already agreed to support Ginandjar, a possibility that had become more likely.

But now it seemed like it was the third possibility that she had considered that was happening…

“They’re cheering for Mas Try each time a vote is counted in his favor”, Tutut realized.

During the vote counting, the abstentions were now being openly booed out of the perception and suspicion that such votes belonged to the PNI. It was clear though that there will be less abstentions in the current round of the voting. But the boos were cast aside in favor of cheers as the votes for the President sped ahead and as the votes for Tutut stalled.

“It’s not real until it’s happened”, Edi Sudrajat said.

“Oh yes it is,”, Chairman of the PKPI’s MPR Delegation Harsudiono Hartas countered “We got 461 votes last time, we crossed that mark a long time ago…”

As the vote counter announced another vote for Try Sutrisno, the PKPI Delegates erupted in loud cheers. Various PKPI delegates who had kept the count, as though updating each other, whispered excitedly “500..500..just one more”.

Then another piece of paper was picked out of the ballot box, opened, and held in front of the vote counter. He only just barely finished saying “Try…” when a even louder cheer erupted.

The President was watching all this on television with First Lady Tuti Setiawati. The PKPI Delegates seemed to be in pandemonium as Matori banged the gavel calling for silence and trying to keep the MPR Session under control causing the President to laugh in amusement.

There was a knock on the door and Presidential Aide-de-Camp Budiman walked in with a piece of paper. He said that there is a message for Tuti that has to be passed on to her. The President allowed it, still focused on what’s happening on television.

Tuti took the piece of paper from Budiman and read it. In it was a tally that Budiman had kept and it showed that as of the last vote counted, the President had reached 501 votes. Tuti smiled a motherly smile at Budiman, she realized that Budiman did not want to be the first to congratulate the President. And then she turned around, wrapped her arms around the President and kissed him on the cheek.

“I’m so proud of you, I really am”, Tuti told her husband.

“Wait, what the hell’s going on?” asked the President.

Budiman then bowed his head as he shook the President’s hand, behind him Military Secretary Saurip Kadi, Commander of the Presidential Bodyguard Nono Sampono and the Presidential Bodyguards on duty also came in the room to shake the President’s hand.

“The count has been completed”, the vote counter announced over all the noise.

The delegates from the Group Delegates looked relieved that the process was now over though here and there, those who had obviously voted for the President revealed themselves by the fact that they were shaking hands with each other. The Regional Delegates also looked similarly relieved that everything was now over. The ABRI Delegates crowded around Wiranto as he instructed them to return to their day jobs and begin “wrapping things up” because his commandership will come to an end soon.

The PNI delegates looked demoralized with Megawati crying and holding on tightly to a tissue in her hand, Taufiq Kiemas trying to comfort her. Tutut was more stoic and smiled as she turned around and shook hands with her supporters.

There were handshakes, hugs and congratulations all around among the PKPI delegates while the PPP delegates, the ones who voted for the President anyway, broke into song (“Shalaatullaah Salaamullaah 'Alaa Thaaha Rasuulillaah”).

“Can I have silence for a moment please, the votes have been counted and count has been tallied up and the scrutineers have confirmed that it is correct”, Matori said after having received a piece of paper with the official vote count “And the count is as follows…”

The chatter quietened down.

“There are first and foremost, 96 abstentions in this round of voting”, Matori announced to a mixed reaction of applause that the number had gone down and some scattered boos that abstentions were still happening.

“Now moving on the presidential candidates”, Matori said “Firstly, with 328 votes: Mrs. Siti Hardiyanti Rukmana.”

Tutut bowed her head as her supporters applauded her with tears in their faces. Matori waited until the applause died down.

“With 576 votes: Gen. (Ret.) Try Sutrisno”, Matori announced to more applause and cheers as Matori continued on “As such, Gen. (Ret.) Try Sutrisno has obtained a majority of the votes in the MPR.”

More applause.

“Therefore, in accordance with the duties entrusted to the MPR in our constitution”, Matori continued “I hereby declare Gen. (Ret.) Try Sutrisno elected as the President of the Republic of Indonesia for the term 2003-2008!”