For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

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Pierre Le Jolis de Villiers de Saintignon (born in Boulogne, France on 26 July 1956) is a French general officer and politician, having served as Prime Minister of France since 23 March 2018, for the Kingdom of France since 21 January 2022, having overthrown his predecessor François Ruffin in a military coup. Since 2020, he is registered as a member of the conservative party Regeneration, of which he is a founder.

Hailing from the House Le Jolis de Villiers, ennobled in 1595 in Normandy, Pierre de Villiers in the second son of industrialist and mayor of Boulogne (Vendée) Jacques de Villiers (1913-2000) ; his older brother, Philippe, served as President of the French Republic from 1992 to 1997, as member of the monarchist Royal Fidelity, and has remained active in politics to this day. Like his brother Bertrand, Pierre chose to serve his country not in politics but in the military.
Graduating from the Ecole militaire interarmes of Cherchell (Algeria), De Villiers joined the Armoured Cavalry Arm of the Self-Defense Forces in 1975, serving with distinction throughout the country, seeing combat in the Sands War against Morocco, in the 1980s Kabylian Insurgency and in the Reichspakt-sponsored peacekeeping forces of the First Belgium War. Serving in the General Staff following France’s withdrawal from the Reichspakt and the European Community after the Vesoul Incident, Pierre de Villiers had a prestigious military career with his skill in management and logistics saluted, independently from his brother’s political influence, becoming Chief of Staff in 2014 as a five-star general.

A conservative and a monarchist at heart, De Villiers refused to dabble in politics, owing to the non-ingerency policy of the Self-Defense Forces since the Civil War. He would nevertheless be drawn to it on 6 August 2002, accepting the orders from Chief of Staff, General Jean-Louis Georgelin, to secure with his landships the vicinity of the Presidential Palace while Georgelin was out to deliver his ultimatum to the increasingly dictatorial and unstable pyrist President Jean-Pierre Stirbois, a move that would end in the President’s suicide. For De Villiers, the feat of arms was the evidence that, however diminished, the French Army was still able to be the last resort for the Nation.

While serving as Chief of Staff, Pierre de Villiers was in the front seat to witness the increasingly erratic and unpopular policies of the Delapierre, Autain and Ruffin administrations ; for the General himself, the People Arise Parliament was a return to the days of Syndicalism and Doriot. Due to his connexion to the 2002 military ultimatum, his family connections and his status as Chief of Staff, De Villiers was quickly drawn into the conservative camarilla that had already tried a military coup in 2015 under General Christian Piquemal, as the increasing violence between far left and far right militias, along with islamic terrorism in Algeria, were threatening to spiral out of control ; they hoped that De Villiers’s charisma and renown would give absolute legitimacy to the coup. De Villiers reluctantly accepted, under the conditions that he would be given free reins as Prime Minister, recall the House of Orléans from exile and have the approbation from President Hervé Mariton. As the latter gave his assent, General Pierre de Villiers ordered full mobilization of the military garrisons surrounding Paris and imposed a military curfew on 23 March 2018. At 21:00 the same day, as Paris was under control, he personally entered the Hôtel de Marigny and ordered the arrest of Prime Minister François Ruffin under grounds of high treason and sedition ; he was appointed Prime Minister one hour later by the President.

Putting in place a mixed conservative-integralist-military reduced government, Pierre de Villiers presided on a Moral Order government in the mold of Edmond Michelet after the World War, withdrawing all reforms enacted since 2013 and presided over a massive wave of arrests over the French left and far left, pushing many into exile. Quickly acknowledged by foreign governments, even if he made no such decision to rejoin the European Community or the Reichspakt, supported by far right militias, he had to deal with a renewal of leftist activity, culminating with massive and deadly riots over the Champs-Elysées in November 2018, increased far left terrorist activity during Winter 2019, a general strike thoroughly repressed in mid-April 2019, along with Islamist activities in Algeria, culminating in a series of car bomb attacks in Algiers on 3 October 2019 and increased military concentration on the other side of the Mediterrenean. Even if the massive repression caused Germany to mobilize his forces in Alsace-Lorraine, de Villiers ended 2019 with a total control over France.
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In 2020, founding the party Régénération, a big-tent reuniting monarchists, conservatives, anti-Syndicalists, reactionaries and integralists who supported his rule, General de Villiers was able to concentrate his rule ; as the National Assembly had been dissolved since 2018, a new Parliament was elected in May 2020, giving the newly founded party an almost complete majority, with only a figurative opposition, as most members of the left and far left had been dissuaded from running, forced into exile or into detention. 2020 also saw the questionable management of the Wuchang Pneumonia pandemic, with the General along with his minister of Health Laurent Alexandre publicly questioning the very existence of the coronavirus, refusing to put in place any restriction or even vaccination, allowing the coronavirus to flow into France and to create a much more contagious and deadly “French variant”. Now legitimate, Pierre de Villiers then allowed his tantamount goal to come into fruition : persuading the Orléanist claimant, Jean d’Orléans, to run for Deputy and for President in the largely ceremonial 2021 presidential election. The General, who now controls France, has had his Minister of Justice, Jean Castex, draft the future Constitution of the restored Kingdom of France and had President Jean d'Orléans proclaimed King of the French in a ceremony in the National Assembly on 21 January 2022, fixing the wrongs of 1968.

Victim of an assassination attempt on 8 June 2021, that saw Jérôme Rodrigues try to shoot at him before being taken down by security, General Pierre de Villiers is confident for the future. He has put an end to the Neo-Syndicalist rabble that had taken France down the drain, he is the saviour of the House of Orléans, he went further than his brother in restoring France to his grandeur. He is only 65. Why shouldn’t stay in place for 20 more years ?
Why I am getting Franco vibes from him
What's the percentage of the Muslim population in France? I assume it's higher because there was no Algerian independence.
Country profile - Ryukyu Islands
The Ryukyus is an archipelago between the East China Sea and the Philippine Sea, southwest of Kyushu (Japan) and northeast of Taiwan (China).

Forming a line from Kyushu to Taiwan, the Ryukyus had a culture distinct from both Japan and China, forming their own course during the Japanese feudal era and unifying in a single kingdom in 1429 ; Shimazu Tadatsune, Lord of Satsuma, invaded the archipelago in 1609 and put it under Japanese suzerainty ; in 1879, during the Meiji era, the kingdom was annexed into Japan, forming the Okinawa Prefecture and forcing the Ryukyu king to move to Tokyo as a low-level aristocrat. In spite of linking its fate to Japan, the Ryukyus maintained a distinct cultural identity.

The authoritarian policies resulted in massive riots in Okinawa in 1970, thoroughly repressed by the Japanese Army, as civilians asked for democratization and acknowledgement of a distinct Ryukyuan identity. In the aftermath, a Ryukyuan separatist movement began to burgeon. Led by award-winning author Tatsushiro Oshiro, self-exiled to California, the movement was Toltoyist in nature, manifesting itself on sit-ins and peaceful vigils, which were heavily repressed and tracked down by Japanese intelligence. Oshiro maintained that Ryukyuan culture could easily co-exist with Japan.

The downfall of the Empire of Japan sparked massive protests throughout the archipelago during Summer 1987, refusing to draw blood and peacefully parading, as Oshiro returned from exile and won the approval of Japanese inhabitants, persuading them that they wouldn’t be persecuted by a new Ryukyuan nation, leading local and experienced politician Masahide Ota to join the protests. As the Japanese military garrison had been recalled to the Home Islands, Oshiro proclaimed the independence of the Republic of the Ryukyu Islands on 23 July 1987, ending almost four centuries of Japanese control and avoiding the bloodbaths that had happened in Taiwan or South China. Japan, too busy with turmoil at home, had nothing left to do but to accept this new state of things.

On 13 March 1988, Oshiro left the presidency to invite Sho Hiroshi, heir to the kings of the Ryukyus, to lead a Ryukyuan monarchy. Masahide Ota would be Prime Minister until 2007, while Oshiro would pass away in 2020, his non-violent philosophy heralded and the peace between Ryukyuans and Yamatos preserved in a modern country. Feeling threatened by Japanese resurgence after a tense standoff between China and Japan in the vicinity of the archipelago from 1995 to 1996, the Ryukyus proclaimed their absolute neutrality, before eventually joining the Asian Prosperity Sphere in 2001.

Political situation
According to its 1988 Constitution, the Ryukyu Kingdom is a federal parliamentary monarchy, with each island forming the archipelago having some degree of autonomy, the most important being Okinawa, the most populated, where the capital and largest city, Naha, is located. As the monarch has only ceremonial powers, the unicameral Diet is elected on a four-year-basis, votes lows and appoints the Prime Minister, that serves as head of government. The judicial system is inspired by the Japanese one. Reflecting the peaceful nature of the Ryukyuan Revolution and the philosophy of separatist leader Tatsushiro Oshiro, the Constitution guarantees the physical integrity and freedom of its residents, basing Ryukyuan citizenship on both jus soli and jus sanguinis, thus not excluding longtime Japanese inhabitants of the archipelago. As such, Japanese and Okinawan are both the country’s official languages.

The reigning king is Mamoru, the second monarch since renewed independence, who had succeeded his father Hiroshi in 1996. Hailing from the House of Sho, the same than the pre-Japanese independence, Sho Mamoru was, as his father, a Japanese titled nobleman and an officer in the Imperial Japanese Navy. Even as no member of the family spoke Okinawan, the House of Sho accepted the offer from the new nation out of duty and, most certainly, knowing that the family’s prospects weren’t so bright under the new Japanese republic. The king has served as a dutiful ceremonial monarch, helping to enhance the country’s respectability.

The current Prime Minister is Atsushi Sakima since 24 February 2019, a member of the Yamato-Ryukyu Union, a conservative coalition supported by Japanese inhabitants. The former Mayor of Jinon (Okinawa), he was part of the 2015 conservative landslide that led to the election of Mikio Shimoji, an avowed Japanese nationalist, on an agenda on strengthening bonds with the former Home Islands. Due to misappropriation of funds and poor management, Shimoji was removed as Prime Minister by a vote of non-confidence, leading to the designation of Sakima who pursued the same policies. Delayed due to the Wuchang Pneumonia pandemic, the August 2020 elections returned the Yamato-Ryukyu Union to power with a decreased majority.

Social situation, population
With more than 1.5 million inhabitants and a density of 340 people/km², the Ryukyu Islands can effectively be seen as a crowded archipelago, with Okinawa concentrating much of the population. The ethnic Ryukyuans have formed a minority ever since Japanese suzerainty, with many Yamatos settling in the Ryukyus. There were fears of violence against ethnic Japanese during the Revolution, but the Constitution placated all concern thanks to its inclusive nature and now, Ryukyuans and Yamatos live side by side. However, if Ryukyuans speak both languages, the same can not be said of the Yamatos, as Japanese remains by far the most spoken language within the Kingdom.

As in Japan, the aging population is a deep concern for the government, who is counting on technology and immigration from China to keep the nation functioning in the near future and avoid bankruptcy due to retirement pensions.

Too remote from Japan to take part in the mass industrialization that marked the 20th Century, the Ryukyu Islands is still heavily dependent on agriculture and manufacturing, with the archipelago’s main exports being refined sugar, silk and phosphates. The government made efforts to promote services and tourism, putting forward its tropical climate, its lush ecosystem and its preserved traditions, even if typhoons are more and more frequent and take their usual tool over the archipelago’s infrastructures. Due to the hospitality of the Ryukyus, the government also counts on installations from high tech companies, heralding a very lenient fiscality, with debates within the World Council to brand the Ryukyus as a tax haven. As such, the country is heavily dependent on imports and trade from China, leading to massive concerns of the Ryukyus only trading a Japanese overlord for a Chinese one.

The Ryukyuan Armed Forces are small, even compared to the country’s population. Officially neutral since 1996, the military took advantage of the cooperation agreements with China to massively upgrade their equipment, even if they reflect the non-violent nature of the Ryukyuan Revolution. Even if strictly confined to defense and peacekeeping, the Ryukyuan Army remains on high alert due to fears of Japanese aggression, moreover due to concerns over irredentist resurgence. Thus the archipelago counts a lot over China for its protection, even if the government has resisted repeated calls for installation of a military base in Okinawa.

The father of Ryukyuan independence, Tatsushiro Oshiro (1925-2020), was a novelist and playwright who had received the Akutagawa Prize in 1967 ; in spite of being an ethnic Yamato, he made much to make the Ryukyuan culture available and invested himself into the Ryukyuan cause. In the contrary of many newly independent countries of the 20th Century, there is no push for a nationalist renewal in the Ryukyus, as Japan has been acknowledged as a tenet of local culture. Indigenous culture, traditions and religion are still preserved but live their own life. Keeping with this peaceful coexistence, the Ryukyus have also a staunch environmentalist stance, preserving the unique fauna and flora of the tropical archipelago, mostly south of Watase’s Line.
And like a phoenix another kingdom returns from the ashes…
Yes, but as a symbol of authoritarianism...
Why I am getting Franco vibes from him
There's a bit of Franco in De Villiers, but also of Putin and Boulanger.
What's the percentage of the Muslim population in France? I assume it's higher because there was no Algerian independence.
Much higher indeed but concentrated in southern France and Algeria. Heavy restrictions have been put on immigration in France, and Algerians living in mainland France are confined to difficult jobs, except in the big cities, where they are still subordinates. It's apartheid in Algeria and separate but equal in mainland France.
Much higher indeed but concentrated in southern France and Algeria. Heavy restrictions have been put on immigration in France, and Algerians living in mainland France are confined to difficult jobs, except in the big cities, where they are still subordinates. It's apartheid in Algeria and separate but equal in mainland France.
How much is this a major international issue that leads to public outcry?
How are there 160 million Germans ITTL? I get Germany has Austria and the Sudetenland and all in addition to its 1914 borders, but still, I would have expected it to be in the 100-120 million range, not the "literally has more people than OTL Russia" range. Also, how does China sustain a population of two billion? I'd give this China sans Maoism or the one-child policy a more "realistic" population in the 1.6 to 1.7 billion range (around the same population as the Indian subcontinent). Finally, how does Indochina, even with Laos, Cambodia, and the lack of either the Indochina Wars, the Boat People, or the Khmer Rouge, have 200+ million people? Wouldn't 150 million or so be more reasonable?
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William Gabula Nadiope IV

William Gabula Nadiope IV (born 1 November 1988 in Kamuli, Buganda) is the current Kyabazinga (King) of Busoga, having succeeded on 3 October 2008 Henry Wako Muloki ; William Gabula’s rule was confirmed with his coronation on 14 September 2014.

An elective and absolute monarchy existing since at least the XIXth Century and independent from the United Kingdom since 1976, Busoga had had the first crisis in its most uneventful history in 2008, with the death of King Henry Wako Muloki, who had ruled the small kingdom since 1955 : William Gabula, grandson of King William Wilberforce Kadhumbula Nadiope III (1949-1955) and son to Prince Wilson Gabula Nadiope II, a known associate of King Muteesa II of Buganda, was on travel in New York City, looking for a bride, when he was elected King by the Royal Chiefs. Prince Edward Columbus Wambuzi immediately contested the election, claiming that the 20-years-old Prince was unfit and that his election would result in an immediate subjugation of Busoga by Buganda.

The Busoga succession crisis lasted for six years and didn’t saw much violence, apart from sporadic clashes between supporters, and was instead fought in courts ; partisans of Wambuzi even tried to refer to the World Council, who refused to meddle in the internal affairs of a small African country. The same was not true of neighbouring and mighty Buganda, who pressed for the claim of Nadiope, going as far as to threaten to invade Busoga in order to cease all frictions. The threats resulted in Wambuzi withdrawing his claim and William Gabula’s being crowned. Ever since, Busoga has become a virtual puppet of Buganda.
How much is this a major international issue that leads to public outcry?
France is largely frowned upon and the Algerian cause has led to a "cause célèbre" in Pan-African and anti-European circles. However, since France left the European Community, they are much left alone by the international community.
What became of Henry "Scoop" Jackson?
He was a Conservative Senator who served for some time as Secretary of State.
How are there 160 million Germans ITTL? I get Germany has Austria and the Sudetenland and all in addition to its 1914 borders, but still, I would have expected it to be in the 100-120 million range, not the "literally has more people than OTL Russia" range. Also, how does China sustain a population of two billion? I'd give this China sans Maoism or the one-child policy a more "realistic" population in the 1.6 to 1.7 billion range (around the same population as the Indian subcontinent). Finally, how does Indochina, even with Laos, Cambodia, and the lack of either the Indochina Wars, the Boat People, or the Khmer Rouge, have 200+ million people? Wouldn't 150 million or so be more reasonable?
Well, I could say that demographics is not my best shot... Germany relies very much on immigration from Eastern Europe and became a safe haven for immigrants everywhere, mostly Jewish ones fleeing the pogroms in Eastern Europe (irony ? Totally, yes). As of China, the country only became one of the wealthiest economies in the world late in the 20th Century, and as such, rural populations still relied on large families. Now China's demographics has spiralled out of control, leading the government to try to adopt a single-child policy, encourage their own population to migrate and to maintain a large economic sphere to sustain its needs. The Wuchang Pneumonia disrupted much of China's trade relations and the economy tetters on the abyss, along with ecological breakdown. Indochina avoided all the wars of the 20th Century and became industralized even later than China.
So, what happened to Bukovsky as he died in 2003 ITTL as he lived until 2019 IOTL? Died from a stroke/heart attack from the strain of being PM of Russia? Had an unfortunate accident? Was assassinated? Also, how does Armenia, even with an Israel-esque right of return or the lack of an Armenian Genocide somehow have even more people than Turkey IOTL in a smaller land area? Finally, what became of Louis Ferdinand ITTL as his older brother (who died in WW2 IOTL) presumably became Kaiser as the current Kaiser is a Wilhelm V?
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Country profile - Oromia
Oromia is a country in eastern Africa, bordered by Abyssinia in the north, Somalia in the east, Kenya in the south and the Nile Republic in the west.

The Treaty of Rome left Abyssinia much reduced as compared to its past self but also as a powderkeg ready to explode. Oromos, Amharas, Gumuz, Awis, Shakachos, Nuers, Anuaks and many other peoples were left in an humiliated realm, irradiated by European settlers and led by a mad king. Within these new borders, the Oromos, that had been repressed for centuries by the ruling Amharas, became the new majority and shaking the yoke once and for all. The situation worsened increasingly in light of the Abate regime, with the Oromo Liberation Front taking up arms and trying to establish first a federal system, then true independence where the Oromo identity could be respected at least.

When the Abyssinian Civil War erupted in 1987, the Oromo Liberation Front resorted to guerilla tactics and encouraged a full scale uprising ; however, the organization refused to join the Democratic Coalition, deciding instead to proclaim the independence of Oromia on 15 May 1989, putting an end to “centuries of Amhara slavery”. It was the Oromos that would put an end to the nightmarish Civil War, entering Addis-Abeba in June 2000, giving the former imperial capital the Oromo name of Finfinne. After the peace talks, Oromo independence was acknowledged by the transitional authorities on 8 October 2001, leading Abyssinia to its current borders and Oromia to its new entry in the Concert of Nations.

The loss of Finfinne and the new borders reduction are felt like a humiliation by Abysinnia, that maintains frosty relations with Oromia, as evidenced by the persecution of Amharas within the new country and the assassination of President Kuma Demeksa in 2019, one week after the military coup in Abyssinia. The prospect of a military conflict between both countries remains highly probable in the near future.

Political situation
One of the youngest nations of the world, Oromia is a federal presidential republic, with regions being drawn after the ethnic lines of the most important groups, which are the Oromos (majority), the Nuers, the Anuaks, the Sidamas and the Ahmaras. With executive power invested in the president, elected for a four-year mandate, the parliament is itself split into two houses, the House of Federation that is more akin to western parliaments and the House of Peoples’ Representatives, reflecting the complex ethnic mix of Oromia. Law is based, as in Abyssinia, on the Italian judiciary system. The capital is located in Addaamaa (formerly Nazreth), the second most important city ; Finfinne having been the capital of Abyssinia, the government resolved not to implement their offices there as a measure of nationalism.

The current President is Lammaa Magarsaa, who took office on 18 April 2019 and was re-elected in the 2021 presidential election ; elected in 2017 as the running mate of Kuma Demeksa, he succeeded him following his assassination by an Amhara nationalist. A veteran of the War of Independence and a proud Kemite convert, Magarsaa focused on the strengthening of bonds with Azania and Liberia, turning a blind eye to the rising tensions with Abyssinia, adopting policies of repression against the Amharas, denouncing them as an Abyssinian fifth column.

Social situation and population
As a reflection of the turmoils of the era before the independence, the ethnic map of Oromia is incredibly complex, with 30 different people and counting, recognizing five different languages. Even if each ethnicity benefits from parliamentary representation, the Oromos form the majority (more than 45 %) of the population and the Amharas are still assimilated to the former rulers of Abyssinia and persecuted, as it was the case in 2015, with large scale riots that saw the death of hundreds.

With a rapidly increasing population, the Oromos are still young and have yet to develop. The military still exerts a large control over the population on behalf of preparedness against Abyssinia and human rights have been suffering as such. Even if Oromia counts a lot of universities, the brain drain from Somalia and Egypt has been strong.

Due to the ravages of the Abyssinian Civil War, themselves coming after the environmental repercussions of the Gondar atomic bombing, Oromia has yet to diversify its economy and relies much on agriculture and exports, mainly as coffee and livestock, even if gold mining is also a considerable asset for Chinese investors. Finfinne serves as a major commercial hub as it was the case during the days of Abyssinia.

The Oromo War of Independence was parallel to the Abyssinian Civil War as it is the case in much of the Horn of Africa, most elites are veterans of the War of Independence that ended barely twenty years ago. This situation leads to a strong influence of the Oromo Army in politics. This proximity has led to lucrative contracts of equipment and armament with the German Army, as readiness for an eventual conflict with Abyssinia remains a high priority for the government.

One of the youngest nations of the world, Oromia lives its incredibly mixed ethnic map as both a curse and a blessing : a curse because of the social strife but a blessing due to the folklore potential it represents for tourism. However, due to the poor reputation of this region of Africa, tourism has failed to penetrate in Oromia and due to the sense of insecurity, a true cultural scene to emerge. Instead, the youth and the intellectuals party in the decayed Finfinne, the shadow of its former self, waiting for the end of their world ; in sports, Oromia has a honorable share of running athletes, such as Keninisa Bekele or Maryam Yusuf Jamal.
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So, what happened to Bukovsky as he died in 2003 ITTL as he lived until 2019 IOTL? Died from a stroke/heart attack from the strain of being PM of Russia? Had an unfortunate accident? Was assassinated? Also, how does Armenia, even with an Israel-esque right of return or the lack of an Armenian Genocide somehow have even more people than Turkey IOTL in a smaller land area? Finally, what became of Louis Ferdinand ITTL as his older brother (who died in WW2 IOTL) presumably became Kaiser as the current Kaiser is a Wilhelm V?
Bukovsky was assassinated.
Also about the demographics : I made a projection about the lack of an Armenian Genocide along with the population of these areas in Turkey, along with returning emigrants. Armenia also benefitted a lot from refugees from the Ottoman Empire and Kurdistan, and has only industrialized recetly.
As of Louis Ferdinand, he effectively became Kaiser following the death of his brother, who died with only female heirs.
What percentage of the population is Neo-Druidist?
Very, very low, it's limited to Breton exiles.
List of countries by GDP per capita (in Reichsmarks, 2020) - World Council Economic Agency
Brussels 138,910
Zanzibar 113,352
Aden 112,045
Malacca 105,689

Norway 86,988

Dubai 79,638
Switzerland 70,441

United States 67,891
Germany 67,558
Borealia 67,426
San Marino 66,527
Abu Dhabi 62,913
Iceland 60,299

Netherlands 57,214
Faroe Islands 56,974
Sweden 56,912
Bohemia 55,989
Denmark 55,675
Oman 55,593
Australia 55,306
Canada 55,171
Scotland 55,169
Quebec 54,799
Flanders 51,991
Finland 50,904

Estonia 49,589
Sarawak 49,559
Wallonia 49,548
Italy 48,640
Catalonia 48,169
United Kingdom 46,827
Aotearoa 46,452

Korea 43,007
Sharjah 42,956
Russia 42,045
Japan 41,582
Portugal 41,198
Greece 40,585
Lithuania 40,344
Spain 40,337

Bulgaria 38,751
Johor 38,321
Montenegro 37,606
Newfoundland 35,941
Euskadi 35,651

France 34,936
Pahang 34,567
Hungary 33,713
Selangor 33,432
Croatia 33,118
Cuba 32,987
Malta 31,950
Ireland 31,616
Bermuda 30,820
Negeri Sembilan 30,593
Uruguay 30,178

Rhodesia 29,555
Liberia 29,327
Chile 29,207
Armenia 28,456
Ryukyu 27,150
Delta 26,034

Argentina 24,796
Livonia 24,516
Colombia 21,977
Indochina 21,363
Iran 21,361
Katanga 21,224
Panama 20,625

Ottoman Empire 19,767
Mexico 18,755
Haiti 18,391
Tunisia 17,163
China 17,106
Malaya 16,265
Hashemite Empire 16,091
Serbia 15,599
Thailand 15,399
Peru 15,089

Lebanon 14,841
Brazil 14,800
Morocco 14,509
Venezuela 13,200
Crimea 13,017
Costa Rica 12,851
Kalahari 12,689
Ecuador 11,866
Romania 11,139
West Indies 10,627
Kenya 10,094

Angola 9,995
Cyrenaica 9,939
Paraguay 9,932
Ashanti 9,732
Guatemala 9,667
Nicaragua 9,542
Egypt 9,446
Dravida Nadu 9,027
Britanny 9,009

Kurdistan 8,716
Kawthoolei 8,684
Khalistan 8,677
Poland 8,593
Java 8,525
Libya 8,161

Kabylia 7,353
Biafra 7,343
Salvador 7,336
Indonesia 7,220

Tonga 6,867
Philippines 6,763
Kashmir 6,493
Kamerun 6,172
Samoa 6,016

Reunion 5,855
Vemarana 5,600
Honduras 5,454
Polynesia 5,321
Burma 5,297
Dahomey 5,158
Eritrea 5,004

Bharatavarsha 4,754
Tuvalu 4,535
Tanganyika 4,199
Oduduwa 4,193
Bolivia 4,174
Somalia 4,099
Kanaky 4,081
Kongo 4,079

Guyana 3,986
Togoland 3,926
Fiji 3,657
Ruanda 3,655
Buganda 3,652
Bengal 3,550
Nepal 3,039

Oromia 2,898
Azania 2,753
Sokoto 2,569
Abyssinia 2,363
Hispaniola 2,312
Micronesia 2,193
Mali 2,182
Hutuland 2,113

Urundi 1,916
Nile Republic 1,913
Busoga 1,776
Tooro 1,765
Assam 1,715
Arakan 1,428
Ankole 1,372
Jingpo 1,292
Bunyoro-Kitara 1,152
Ubangi 1,103

Kasai 873
Azawad 864
Madagascar 724
This timeline was nominated by @Whiteshore in the 2022 Turtledove Awards for Best Early 20th Century timeline ! Thank you so much for your feedback.

Another great update! What was the context of Ethiopia getting nuked?
Like Poland, Germany really took upon themselves to repress their revolts once they had the absolute weapon.
By who? Islamists? Leftists? Some insane man?
A deranged individual.
Shouldn’t the positions of Abyssinia and Oromia be switched with Abyssinia in the north?
You're right, I mixed up! Thank you.
Why is Turkey so sparsely populated with only 20 million or so people in the rump Ottoman Empire when Greece has 50 million and Armenia somehow has 120 million people (which is more than live in European Russia or Turkey IOTL)? Also, what is the line of succession like for the British Monarchy ITTL? Who is the Prince(ss) of Wales? Finally, would it be accurate to say CWR anti-Semitism was a combination of Soviet "rootless cosmopolitanism" with "Jewish bankers control capitalism" conspiracy theories?