For Want of A Sandwich - A Franz Ferdinand Lives Wikibox TL

Josias, Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont

Josias von Waldeck und Pyrmont (Arolsen, Germany 13 May 1896 - 30 November 1967) was a German prince and colonial administrator, ruling as Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont from 26 May 1946, succeeding his father Friedrich, until his death, when he was succeeded by his son Wittekind.

Born at the princely family’s castle in Arolsen, heir to a principality dating back to the 13th Century and now state of the German Empire, Erbprinz Josias served in the Great European War and suffered serious injuries ; after the war, the Hereditary Prince applied for the Imperial Colonial Office due to the new opportunities ; seeing German princes serving in the colonies was a common sight during the Wilhelmine Era, as a good preparation for their future administrations in the motherland. After serving in various administrative positions at the Colonial Ministry in Berlin, Josias, before he turned 40, was appointed Governor-General of German South West Africa (now Kalahari) in 1935.

Josias’ colonial record remains divisive to this day : an able administrator, he was also an ardent German nationalist and a strong believer in the superiority of the German race, he intensified German settlements and exploitation of Kalahari’s rich resources, turning the Native population into virtual slaves for the sake of the colony’s prosperity, granting his subordinates power of life or death over them ; efforts from the Kalahari government to rename the various places and statues commemorating Prince Josias have been blocked by the German government. In 1939, owing to his royal status and his record in South West Africa, he was appointed to the prestigious position of Resident General to the Protectorate of Morocco, where his rule somewhat softened, enjoying the pleasures of Casablanca, cultivating his links with the Alawite family but still repressing all velleities of independence within the kingdom. His more compassionate rule owed to the fact that the Moroccans ranked higher than Black Africans in his regard, as he wrote in his diary.

The World War caught Josias in Morocco ; the German Empire had been defeated by the Syndicalists and retreating to its colonial empire when his father died in Syndicalist captivity in 1946, making him the new Prince of Waldeck and Pyrmont. According to Imperial Colonial Office’s rules, Josias should have resigned by then, but the wartime emergency allowed him to remain in Morocco. Organizing the German colonial forces in Morocco and serving as an advisor to Prince Louis Ferdinand, Prince Josias commanded troops during the Morocco Campaign (1947) and helped to defeat Syndicalist troops there, and helped to the organization of the Andalusia landings later in the year, even if the Prince was upset that he was not granted overall command of Allied troops in the Iberian Peninsula. Remaining as Resident General of Morocco until the end of the World War, Josias resigned from office after peace had returned and came back to his principality, where he ruled until his death in 1967.

As a former colonial administrator, even if his princely role kept him from active politics, Josias was known as a key ally for Reinhard Heydrich’s military-industrial-academic complex, forming a rabid ultranationalist and supremacist lobby within the German Junkers and military officers and influecing the German government ; his demise in 1967 in seen by historians as one of the causes for the complex’s fading influence in the 1970s. After dying in his castle in Arolsen, he was succeeded by his son Wittekind, who rules to this day.

Wait, this Le Corbusier plan for Paris?!

Yup, all the way on Paris' Rive Gauche until the Quartier Latin, and in the Halles. The Allies went Dresden tenfold on France during the World War. Oh, and as you can imagine, it's horrible.
Somewhat Greek style George II restoration then it looks.
And how is the Republican opposition faring through it?
The Fifth Republic failed to uproot the feeling that the time of the monarchy was a time of recovered prosperity and stability (as it just after the Syndicalist era and the World War) and the Neocommunist governments that led the Sixth Republic, in particular the Autain and Ruffin governments, screwed up big time, allowing the military to go through their coup. The right wing has no particular feeling for the Republic and the left-wing have been repressed by a Erdogan-like repression by General de Villiers, going into exile in England, Catalonia or in Wallonia, or locked up in jail, or worse.
How was Culture and the Arts affected during this time period? Were artists and writers suppressed like OTL’s USSR? Did anything bad happen to museums or art galleries?
Well, the Syndicalists had their share of state-mandated artists, such as Jean Renoir who played the role of Eisenstein in cinema ; while bourgeois artists were invited to go into exile, the early Syndicalist government wanted to educate the masses, granting free access to the museums, such as the Louvre, where the collections were well hidden during the World War (before being scattered among the victors according to their wishes) ; one exception being the Sacré Coeur, a monument to the repression of the Commune, that was demolished to make way for the Workers' Palace.
Dick Cheney

Richard “Dick” Bruce Cheney (Lincoln, NE January 30, 1941 - Washington, D.C., June 16 1988) was an American politician, serving as the Representative for Wyoming’s at-large district from 1973 to his death, as Conservative House Leader from 1979 to his death and Speaker of the United States House of Representatives from 1981 to 1983.

Born in Nebraska, Cheney went on to live in Casper, Wyoming during his childhood, before attending, and dropping out from Yale University. Earning a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts from the University of Wyoming, then a Ph. D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Cheney had been first drawn to the Republican Party but came on to better identify with the nascent Conservative Party and its majors figures, Representative John Ashbrook and Senator Scoop Jackson. As Wyoming had remained Republican but didn’t recognize itself in the increasingly moderated GOP, Dick Cheney decided to run as the Conservative candidate for Wyoming’s only seat in the House of Representatives in the 1972 election, defeating incumbent Democrat Edgar Herschler in a year of Progressive landslide. The Conservatives would went on to win Wyoming’s governorship and both Senate seats by 1978.

In the House, Cheney affirmed himself, in spite of being a freshman, as an unofficial whip to John Ashbrook’s Conservatives, standing as a fierce opponent of the McGovern administration and convincing remaining Dixiecrats to merge with the Conservative Party ; with the 1978 Conservative landslide, as Ashbrook was preparing his long-shot and eventually victorious presidential campaign, Conservative House Leader James G. Martin felt overwhelmed ; as Ashbrook’s hatchet man, Cheney managed to manoeuver his way into becoming the Conservative Leader in the House, managing to convince his fellow congressmen to back Ashbrook, convincing him to choose Senator Pat Robertson as his running mate ; with the Conservative majority in the House in 1980, Dick Cheney would become the first Conservative Speaker in the history of the United States, a term that he would only hold in the 97th Congress, as defections and Republican gains in the 1982 midterms gave way to a renewed Republican majority.

As House Leader during the Ashbrook and Robertson administrations, Cheney was one of the most outspoken supporters of the Conservative presidency, even if he was many times at odds with Robertson’s dominionist positions. Even if pointed as a pyrist boogeyman by his opponents, Cheney was more of the mold of Scoop Jackson, as a “Junker Conservative”, bent on militarism and economic nationalism, adopting a strong stance against Panama and the West Indies Federation along with being one of the most hawkish proponents of the Mindanao War.

As the Progressive landslide in 1986 prevented any chance for the Conservatives to regain full control of the House, and expected as a presidential candidate in a future election, the 47-years-old Cheney announced in early 1988 that he would relinquish his seat in the House in favor of running for the Senate, as fellow Conservative Malcolm Wallop was retiring after two terms. Nevertheless, after a heated argument in the US House Committee on Armed Services, of which Cheney was a Ranking member, the former Speaker was brought down by a heart attack in the corridors of Congress on June 16 1988, dying before reaching the hospital. Succeeded by Craig L. Thomas (later US Senator) for Wyoming’s at-large seat and Trent Lott as House Leader, Cheney’s memory was hailed by his fellows, from all three sides of the aisle, as an extremely able leader and an American patriot.

After his demise, his widow Lynne Cheney (née Vincent) announced that she would replace her late husband in the run for Senator, going on to win the election, serving from 1989 to 2019 as the United States Senator for Wyoming, being re-elected in 1994, 2000, 2006 and 2012 by large margins ; she was succeeded by their daughter Liz in the 2018 election, also as a Conservative, serving to this day ; she had previously served as the Secretary of Commerce and Business during President Sam Brownback’s second term, after serving as a congressional aide to her mother. The couple’s other daughter, Mary, doesn’t serve in politics, choosing to live a private life with her spouse.


It is fascinating how the Junkers continued to dominate the administrative levels of government in Germany throughout the century.

As for the USA, your frequent mention of landslides in the House continues to indicate volatility in electoral politics.
A somewhat long time lurker here, I thought I'd break radio silence and say that I really am fascinated by this timeline. The wikibox style is a very interesting way of presenting the information, and while I'm not sure I'd like to live in this timeline, it is endlessly interesting to read about!

Regarding the most recent entry, I really liked finding out what became of the Cheney family. I assume a combination of the increased workload and the (I'd have to imagine) heightened partisan bickering inside Congress hastened the already dangerous heart attack? Definitely interesting to see Lynne Cheney ascend to a more prominent position as well!

If it is possible, and having read this there does not appear to be any process in place besides asking, I'd like to ask for a little further information on George McGovern and his presidency? As someone who has been creating the bare bones of a timeline himself, McGovern is a fascinating figure to read about in terms of what he accomplished. If at all possible, perhaps there could be a mention of where he is ranked in historical examinations of Presidents too. If I've overstepped the mark at all, I apologize!

Deleted member 77383

What proxy wars had occurred in the Cold War?And what’s civil unrest and terrorism like in the US and world?
Country profile - Venezuela
Venezuela is a country in South America, bordered in the north by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, in the west by Colombia, in the east by Guyana and in the south by Brazil.


The discovery of wide oil deposits in 1918 in Venezuela was both a blessing and a curse for the country : it allowed the small agricultural country to prompt an economic boom, starting as early as the Great European War, develop its infrastructures and standards of living, allowing it to be among the wealthiest countries in Latin America ; on the other hand, it fueled inequalities and corruption to thrive, its effects being still widely felt today.

Venezuela had been under the control of military dictators for most of the preceding century, the last in line being General Juan Vicente Gomez, in charge of the country since the beginning of the 20th Century ; the President used oil money to secure the support of the United States and deflate the country’s debt, but also to enrich himself ; a sign of the changing times however were the 1928 student revolts, starting in Caracas and later spreading throughout the country, allowing General Roman Delgado Chalbaud, a former rival of Gomez, to topple the tyrant to enact a new Constitution and free elections the following year. The successful ushered a new era of greater democracy and societal development, led by the alumni of the “Generation of ‘28”, such as Romulo Betancourt (1941-1947, 1959-1960), Andrés Eloy Blanco (1947-1953) and Miguel Otero Silva (1960-1963). This era of prosperity and democracy in Venezuela was only shaken by the 1935 general strike, led by CWR sympathizers that wanted to force a Syndicalist revolution, resulting in the sending of an American fleet, a coup attempt in 1950 by Chalbaud’s son, Carlos Delgado Chalbaud and the storming of the United States embassy in 1958 by a mob opposed to the Havana Organization, resulting in the death of the ambassador.

Romulo Betancourt, two times President, the most prominent statesman of Venezuela and a clear contender for the presidency of the World Council, was assassinated by Hispaniolan operatives in 1960 ; the terrorist attack started a crisis in the Caribbean but also deprived Venezuela’s political class from a true leader, allowing Neo-Syndicalist opinion and popular resentment to bloom in the context of heightened inequalities. A coup attempt by Syndicalist navy officers in 1962 and the start of a leftist guerilla led to the proclamation of a state of emergency and a coup by General Marcos Pérez Jimenez in 1963, supported by the United States in order to pacify Venezuela.
Modifying the Constitution to his advantage, Pérez Jimenez remained in power until 1986 : his nationalist and populist policies allowed him to gain popular support. Troubles in Guyana allowed Venezuela to invade the country in 1978, annexing the long-claimed province of Esequibo and turn their eastern neighbour into a puppet, while the crisis in the Middle East allowed Venezuela to position itself as a major oil exporter and to support social programs. Nevertheless, this increase in the 1970s also increased further Venezuela’s Dutch disease while depleting Macaraibo’s oil deposits. The 1983 economic krach came as a death knell for the military regime, resulting in the aging general being replaced by a junta of younger officers led by Commandant Jaurés Sanchez Ramirez ; the repression, economic malaise and popular discontent led to the 1989 Venezuela Revolution, toppling the military regime in violence while allowing for a new Constitution and free elections.

The new democratic generation somehow managed to further the transition of Venezuela’s economy, still allowing the country to keep a high standard of living, but political violence remains high, with large groups of Integralists, mostly nostalgics of the military regime, and Marxists and Neo-Syndicalists, who point out the lack of social ascension in Venezuela along with the squalor of the poor leftovers of the neo-liberal regime. This terrible gap degenerated many times in military coup attempts and nationwide riots, leading the Havana Organization and the United States to directly meddle into Venezuelan politics in 2019 with the fear of a civil war, resulting in an early presidential election in 2020.

Political situation

Under the terms of the 1990 Constitution, enabled by the 1989 Revolution and modeled after the 1928 Constitution, Venezuela is a federal presidential republic, with the President serving as head of state and government, elected by universal suffrage for a six-year-term, forbidding him from serving consecutive terms. Since the 2020 presidential election, called early due to the riots that had lasted since 2015, the President of the Republic has been Freddy Guevara, a deputy from Miranda State hailing from the social-democratic Democratic Action, after winning against conservative Mayor of Caracas Leopoldo Lopez (Popular Will). The legal system is inspired by civil law.

Venezuela’s Congress, composed by the Senate and Chamber of Deputies, is one of the most divided in the world, with more than sixty parties represented in both chambers, as the 1990 Constitution adopted party-list proportional representation and D’Hondt Method ; ranging from Marxism-Doriotism (the far left being represented in the north) to Neo-Pyrism (far right is very prevalent in the east), the ideologies represented made that there is no majority in the Chamber of Deputies since the 2020 elections, forcing the Presidency to hold a loose coalition ranging from the liberal right to the neocommunists and forestalling any chance at reform. Such diversity grants friction, and it is a common sight to see Venezuelan deputies to take their seats with boxing gloves, brass knuckles or combat canes and that debates sometimes degenerate into massive fistfights on the floor of the chamber. It is an appropriate repercussion of the climate of political violence in Venezuela, where kidnapping, mugging and assassination of political figures or militants in common, where riots have been weekly in great cities from 2015 to 2020 and where each party disposes of its own paramilitary branch.


One of the most urbanized countries in Latin America, mostly concentrated in the north around Caracas, heavily Mestizo, Venezuela stands as a developed country in demographic terms and, along with Cuba, Chile or Uruguay, is one of the few countries in Latin America that enjoys a positive net migration rate ; the economic reforms along with the needs of the oil industry have led to steady Chinese immigration to Venezuela, undertaking the exploitation of oil in Zulia and around the newly found Orinoco Belt deposit. This situation had led to increased xenophobia in these areas, as was evidenced by the lynchings during the Wuchang pneumonia pandemic. Even if Venezuela has enjoyed democracy for thirty years and that the social inequalities, that were widespread and increasing throughout the latter century, have somewhat reduced thanks to government reforms and allowed the emergence of a true middle class, Venezuelans are still weary over political violence, corruption, government ineffectiveness and unemployment.


The 1983 krach was among the main causes of the 1989 Revolution against the military regime, that had benefitted for years of the oil financial windfall, and served as a cautionary tale for the new democratic government : Venezuela, who had among the largest oil and natural gas reserves of the world, where the petroleum industry represented a third of GDP, around 80 % of export and more than half of government revenues, was in great danger of facing the Dutch disease and being unable to survive in the modern world. Elected in 1998 on a neoliberal program, President Irene Saez proposed the “Venezuela 2025 Plan” in cooperation with the University of Chicago and the Havana Organization (of which Venezuela is a founding member), that would see the exchange rate of the Venezuelan Bolivar and the prizes of Venezuelan oil guaranteed by the ICU to avoid massive inflation, an extensive program of privatizations, tax reductions for foreign investors in other fields than oil and developing other sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, heavy industry, manufacturing, services and tourism, so the petroleum industry’s part in Venezuela exports would be reduced by half, leaving the country less dependant on oil and using the financial windfall to fund state services. As of 2020, if oil still represents more than 50 % of Venezuela’s exports and a third of a GDP, the manufacturing, services and education sectors are rapidly expanding, the bolivar remains a very strong currency in the Americas and social programs have helped to reduce the endemic inequalities of Venezuela’s society. Formed during the Saez presidency, Venezuela’s sovereign fund is becoming increasingly noticeable for its bigger investments, notably in Africa and the Indian sub-continent.


Like in virtually all Latin America, the Venezuelan Army ruled until recent years, but it enjoys a paradoxical view : even if the Pérez Jimenez/Sanchez Ramirez regime was synonymous with oppression and suppression of civil liberties, it was also a time of stability and economic growth, along with prestige, due to the successful reclamation of the Esequibo State from Guyana in 1978 and the defused crisis with Colombia in 1987. The Army also lent support to the 1928 and 1989 Revolutions and in the troubled 2000s, the military seemed like a last resort for weary citizens ; General Hugo Carjaval’s attempted coup in 2018 enjoyed tremendous support from the population and the United States had to pressure Congress not to have the former putschist run for President in 2020, as his hypothetical victory left no doubt.


Like most of Latin America, Venezuela’s culture is defined by a mixture of Native, Spanish and African influences, but the country stands out by having baseball as its most popular sport, overstepping association football, a trend helped by the arrival of Americans in the oil industry in the early Twentieth Century and also for his fondness for beauty pageants, with many Venezuelans having won the Miss World competition, the most famous example being Irene Saez, both elected Miss World 1981 and President of Venezuela from 1998 to 2004. On the cultural side, Venezuela has been celebrated for his writers (the most famous of whom being Romulo Gallegos, a supporter of the 1928 Revolution who served as President from 1935 to 1941 and was the 1951 Nobel Prize for Literature), the quality of its cinema (represented by directors Jonathan Jakubowicz and Lorenzo Vigas and actor Edgar Ramirez) and the success of his popular music and telenovelas, that enjoys popularity throughout the continent and even in Europe ; Latin America’s biggest streaming service and producer of telenovelas, Hola, is based in Caracas.
It is fascinating how the Junkers continued to dominate the administrative levels of government in Germany throughout the century.

As for the USA, your frequent mention of landslides in the House continues to indicate volatility in electoral politics.
In some sort, the United States are much more polarized politically, with the Conservatives and the Progressives, and the Republicans have become the voice of moderacy and protest vote, maintaining some authority in New England and the West Coast. As of the Junkers, well, they had no Nazism to be compromised with...
A somewhat long time lurker here, I thought I'd break radio silence and say that I really am fascinated by this timeline. The wikibox style is a very interesting way of presenting the information, and while I'm not sure I'd like to live in this timeline, it is endlessly interesting to read about!

Regarding the most recent entry, I really liked finding out what became of the Cheney family. I assume a combination of the increased workload and the (I'd have to imagine) heightened partisan bickering inside Congress hastened the already dangerous heart attack? Definitely interesting to see Lynne Cheney ascend to a more prominent position as well!

If it is possible, and having read this there does not appear to be any process in place besides asking, I'd like to ask for a little further information on George McGovern and his presidency? As someone who has been creating the bare bones of a timeline himself, McGovern is a fascinating figure to read about in terms of what he accomplished. If at all possible, perhaps there could be a mention of where he is ranked in historical examinations of Presidents too. If I've overstepped the mark at all, I apologize!
Don't worry, you're not overstepping at all, feedback is crucial for me and I like seeing your queries and comments ; the amount of work and time given to this timeline can lead to some long hiatuses between updates and I'm sorry of it. As of McGovern, he will be covered some day, as all the US Presidents will be. His presidency was a pivot moment for the United States ITTL.
*slams fist* I knew it!
Nobody expects the Peruvian KGB...
Married the man Dick shot IOTL. Fantastic Easter egg there! :closedeyesmile:
Thank you for noticing !
What proxy wars had occurred in the Cold War?And what’s civil unrest and terrorism like in the US and world?
We can't speak of a Cold War here ; the period that lasted between the end of the World War and the 1994 Vladivostok attacks is called the Greater Game, in reference to the conflict between Russia and Britain in the XIXth Century and here, it was more a multipolar world, like IOTL 1991-nowadays, with Russia, Germany, USA, Japan, Britain, Italy and other some players looking each other up and down and fighting for influence over the five continents.
Terrorism is a sizeable matter in all countries these days, but it's much less religious in nature (Islamist terrorism can be seen in Russia and France) and much more political : neo-Integralist and neo-Syndicalist terror groups are to be found in every country, including the US.
Any details on this and other atrocities committed during the World War?
On the Allied side, heavy bombing of European cities and working African Natives to death to make up for their Arsenal of Democracy, even if much of the violence came after the war, with White Terror, lootings of art and mass executions of captured soldiers and civilians taking place throughout Europe ; on the Syndicalist side, destruction of cultural heritage and private property, mass executions of German and British officers, bourgeois, aristocrats and intellectuals, organized massacres of the German Jews (considered as instruments of the reaction, the 200 Families' myth had a heavy influence over Doriotism), expropriation, mass purges inside Syndicalist administration and military personnel... And counting.
And what about Bonapartism?

After Henri VI's disastrous reign ending and his shadow over restauration efforts, one could think the Bonapartist movement could have regained strength at the expense of the royalist. After all IOTL there was a brief upsurge of Bonapartism in the 1919 elections. And as we are coming tomorrow to the bicentennial of Napoléon's death, we also have a name that should still have a good credit in military circles.

The Church of the Force, also known as the Jedi-Bendu Order or Jediism, is a new religious movement that was founded in the 1970s in California by American racing driver Lucas Starkiller. It has been variously defined as a cult, a philosophy or a new religious movement.

Born on May, 14 1944 in Modesto, CA, as George Walton Lucas, Jr., Lucas Starkiller was raised as a Methodist, achieving some fame in the American sports car racing circuit as a skilled driver. Starkiller had to stop his career after an accident on May, 25 1977, during which he claimed to have had an epiphany in the wreckage, claiming “he had survived thanks to the Force and had to rebuild the ancient Order of the Jedi-Bendu” ; if some detractors of Jediism have pointed the blunt trauma suffered by Starkiller caused him to mix his own beliefs with his souvenirs as a major cinephile in private, Starkiller changed his legal name and founded the Church of the Force as a non-profit organization on May, 4 1978, becoming bigger through the years, founding its first abroad chapter in 1999 and claiming his millionth convert by 2015.

A deist philosophy, heavily influenced by Asian philosophy, in particular bushido, Jediism’s main belief reside in the “Force”, described by scholars as a “massive flow of energy and power, present in every being and thing, that structures the entire universe together, that anybody can use without being aware”. The “Force” has two sides : one darker path leads to thirst of power, materialism, violence, oppression and ultimately suffering, the servants of these path being labelled as the “Empire of Evil”. The Jedi-Bendus, as the members of the Church dub themselves, claim to be servants of the lighter path and as thus, as servants of justice, righteousness, peace and order. Their philosophy is inspired by Christian monastical orders, taking vows of chastity, charity, poverty, obedience and volunteerism, emphasizing self-improvement through knowledge, an ascetic lifestyle, physical exercise (such as use of martial arts), meditation and wisdom, forbidding use of violence except for self-defense, respecting all races and genders.

A pyramidal organization, the Church is led by a twelve-member High Council, of which Starkiller serves as Grand Masters ; there are four levels inside the Order itself. Newly recruited members are Initiates, learning collectively about the dogma of the Church, until they become Padawans (Apprentices) formed individually by a Jedi-Bendu Knight in a senpai-kohai relationship ; Knights who have successfully trained various apprentices up to knightship are granted the title of Masters. Along with their philosophy, the Jedi-Bendus are noticeable for their ceremonial attire, wearing beards and long hair, light earth-colored hooded robes and decorative “sabers”, used for self-defense.

Engaging in caritative activities, distribution of food and shelter for the poor, humanitarian volunteership throughout the world, the Jedi-Bendu Order now claims a membership of more than 1,2 million people throughout the world, mainly in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia and Aoatearoa, with Churches of the Force offices found throughout America and Europe, with many missions present in Africa. Politically active, Jedi-Bendus have been noticed at pro-civil rights demonstrations, refusing to endorse any political candidate but leaning in favor of the Progressive Party. As such, the Church of the Force tends to be recognized as a new religious movement, described by scholars as “Californian Zen”, “Yankee Wandervogels” or “American Tolstoyism”. The main scripture of the Church is the Journal of the Whills, penned by Starkiller along with the Jedi-Bendu Code, with May,4 serving as their holiday as the date of the creation of the Church. Due to their pacifism, refusal of any discrimination and statuts as conscientious objectors, along with debate about their status as a cult, the Church is forbidden in most of the Middle East, Russia and parts of Asia.

However, others have called the Church a cult for various reasons. Some have pointed the most outlandish claims of Starkiller and his followers, such as being able to master psychic abilities through the Force, like telekinesis, mind control and extrasensory perception, or rumoured claims by Starkiller to “be the heir of Mace Windy, a revered Jedi-Bendu from planet Yavin”, with a scholar describing the Church of the Force as “a hokey religion, a bunch of mumbo-jumbo drawn by a kid who saw too much Barsoom and Dune”. Others have pointed out Starkiller’s lifestyle, exemplified by the acquisition of Starkiller Ranch, the Church’s headquarters in Marin County, California, not in line with his followers’ vows of poverty and charity, suspecting Starkiller of embezzlement of funds and robbing his converts’ properties. Other critics pointed the Jedi-Bendus as a paramilitary organization in disguise, due to their practice of martial arts along with their sword-wielding, while other point out their beliefs to be xenophobic in nature, with the “Empire of Evil” standing for the former Empire of Japan (whose values of bushido are considered an inspiration for the Jedi-Bendus) or Germany.
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One has to wonder about the state of music without Mick Jagger.
Wait until your hear about the Beatles... Anyway, I think the Rolling Stones would've formed, maybe for less time, but still.
Dutch disease? Did I miss a mention of that in an earlier post, or is this the first mention?
My poor knowledge on economics only led me to consider that an oil-fueled economy looks quite bad if not invested properly...
And what about Bonapartism?

After Henri VI's disastrous reign ending and his shadow over restauration efforts, one could think the Bonapartist movement could have regained strength at the expense of the royalist. After all IOTL there was a brief upsurge of Bonapartism in the 1919 elections. And as we are coming tomorrow to the bicentennial of Napoléon's death, we also have a name that should still have a good credit in military circles.
Well, before even the POD, the Bonapartist claimants weren't really interested into pursuing the throne Victor, prince Napoleon (1879-1926) was even rallied to the idea of a presidential republic. Political bonapartism has endured well in France, with the Fifth Republic being a presidential one as opposed to the Third and the Sixth ; but as of literal bonapartism, even if Louis, Prince Napoleon (1926-1997) effectively fought for the French regime in exile and took up residency in France, the Commune's remembrance in Syndicalist France and later didn't help Napoléon III's memory either, and having three consecutive defeats against Germany, including one in 1870, doesn't help... Corsica is Italian since the Great European War anyway, and bonapartist candidates are quite anecdoctical. Charles, Prince Napoleon (father to the current claimant) ran in a few elections during the late Fifth Republic as a social-democratic candidate for deputation, but still.
I'll take things I never expected to read for eight hundred, Alex.

....Have to say though, as strange as that is, it's a well done bit of work! I wonder if there are any particularly famous people (Either IOTL or IITL) that are members. Also, the list of countries where they are forbidden to meet is certainly interesting.
If Star Wars is essentially Scientology ITTL then does that mean the bard of L. Ron Hubbard is a wildly successful science fiction franchise celebrated the world over?