Bush Jr Daughters Join the Military

Jenna & Barbara were of age when OIF went down. If they had joined the US military what are the likely results? I recall both being disparaged at the time as college party girls and being a example of rich girl syndrome. Conversely the evidence held up of this was small and thin stuff. Theres also the question of their security as a part of the Presidents family to complicate life.
It might tone down some of the "Fortunate Son" rhetoric of antiwar opinion, the idea that W. was a spoiled-brat draft-dodger sending other peoples' kids off to die just for laughs. I don't think that would have much impact in extending public support for the war past its best-before date, though.
It could get extra milage in that regard if one of them came back wounded. or with a medal or something. Otherwise four years in a USAF logistics center is not newsworthy.
We had two draft dodgers in Bush and Cheney and it had no real inpact on public opinion. I don't see having Bush's, or for that matter Cheney's, kids in the military having any real impact.
They would have been a liability in active duty, because they would have had a huge prize on their heads the moment they left the U.S., and if engaged in operations their units would be de facto their security detail.
When Prince Harry was deployed in afheganistham his presence was kept classified, and IIRC he had to return to the UK when the British tabloids leaked is location.
So if the girls joined the forces, they would probably be ordered to stay in the U.S. for the right reasons, and then vilified in the press for not going to the front.
In other ages the sons of the powerful were more prone to seek the glory at the head of the charge. Even Harry Flashman seems to be rare these days.

They would have been a liability in active duty, because they would have had a huge prize on their heads the moment they left the U.S., and if engaged in operations their units would be de facto their security detail.
When Prince Harry was deployed in afheganistham his presence was kept classified, and IIRC he had to return to the UK when the British tabloids leaked is location.
So if the girls joined the forces, they would probably be ordered to stay in the U.S. for the right reasons, and then vilified in the press for not going to the front.

They might dodge down a middle path, crew on a ship in the Gulf or similar.
Bush's identically named nephew did in fact join the Navy and served a tour as an intelligence officer. Might be an option for daughters?


Jenna & Barbara were of age when OIF went down. If they had joined the US military what are the likely results? I recall both being disparaged at the time as college party girls and being a example of rich girl syndrome. Conversely the evidence held up of this was small and thin stuff. Theres also the question of their security as a part of the Presidents family to complicate life.
US Politics just started getting real petty and personal around start of Bush presidency(Bill scandal being start somewhat). Bushes daughters were likely typical college girls like Obama was. They did what many Americans did at that age or while in college. Look at college movies from early 2000s. They glorify doing stupid stuff for fun of it and encourage drinking, drugs, and sex. It really shouldn’t be a political smear or scandal

Anyway, if they are in military they likely go into Air Force and get Cushing safe jobs or at most dangerous jets which are still rather safe if your skilled at it at least compared to being in a firefight as grunt. Maybe fly drones later on. The US military just recently opened up more military roles to women so they are limited from being in direct fighting most of time if ever. US Jet pilots honestly probably have to worry about weather knocking them out of sky more often then enemy fire in most places unless they fly low. Media would have harder time targeting them unless they do something actually dumb

Grey Wolf

Joining the navy would seem a sensible middle way.

Deployment puts a heavily armed and defended ship in some vague but not high level of danger, with other ships around it to defend it

And yet they can do a vital war job on prepping bombers for example