Since Burgenland is a part of Hungary ittl, will it become a cause of a rematch between Austria and Hungary when/if Hungary's minorities start revolting?
Its certainly possible, but I really haven't planned too far ahead for Austria or Hungary to say definitively as of now.

we have been blessed by an update so soon anyway
I don't see them holding onto to the rest of Italy for more than 10-20 years it just too much of a drain on resources and you don't get much in return with a disloyal populace
Also the ottomans new rival now in the balkans ar hungray in a way which in the end they may be a bigger threat then the Austrians every were
Well the information in this update was actually supposed to be included with Part 70, but it would have been extremely long, even by my standards, so I ultimately decided to split it in two.

Venetia will certainly be a problem for the Austrians moving forward, but for the moment it is still in Austria's orbit.

Hungary is certainly in an interesting position right now in regards to the Balkans.

Ain't that the fucking truth. It's not "may be," it's "will be." The Hungarians could possibly take Croatia from Austria in a future war (the Italians are, ironically, their most natural ally outside of Prussia), but unless they want to expand against Russia (ask Napoleon I how that one went), their only real option for expansion is south, into the Balkans... which makes them a natural ally of Greece, funnily enough, since they'd both be fighting the Ottomans and wanting their land.
I think that Greece would be quite welcoming of an independent Hungary, especially if they just so happened to antagonize the Ottomans. That said, the Hungarian War of Independence took quite a lot out of them so it will be some time before Hungary does any expanding, if they do any expanding at all.

Shouldn't it be March 3rd protestors, not April 3rd?

Good updates; waiting for more...
Thanks for the heads up. It's now been fixed accordingly.

Oh god, I hope things go better in Ireland than in Poland - otherwise you've managed to severely bloody both of my major ancestries! :D
Uh will be better than Poland, but that's not really saying much.

Soo Poland effectively died to save Hungary. Now the question is what is to be done with the Serbs, Romanians and Slovaks under Hungarian rule. Hmm this could have interesting consequences.
Yeah the way I saw it I could make Hungary or Poland independent, but not both and of the two I'd say Hungary had the better chances all things considered.

Galicia is now a big, ugly, untenable panhandle. Wonder what'll happen to that in the future...
Fortunately the current situation with Galicia will not last long.
how have the ottomans feel about this at the moment and I assume the British will want to prop a new power in the region to maintain the balance or a couple perhaps hungray and greece?
how have the ottomans feel about this at the moment and I assume the British will want to prop a new power in the region to maintain the balance or a couple perhaps hungray and greece?
The Ottomans are concerned to say the least as they exchanged one docile neighbor for a more aggressive neighbor. Worst of all the 1848 Revolutions were a smashing success for nationalism which is something that really scares the Ottoman Empire right now.

Britain will be the focus of the next update, but suffice to say, the events in Austria, Germany, France, and Italy were not to their liking. Nevertheless, they will make the best of it and do whatever serve's their interests the best.
I think that Greece would be quite welcoming of an independent Hungary, especially if they just so happened to antagonize the Ottomans. That said, the Hungarian War of Independence took quite a lot out of them so it will be some time before Hungary does any expanding, if they do any expanding at all.

That... remains to be seen. On one hand liberal country that just broke off Metternich's clutches with a history of anti-Ottoman wars On the other hand how liberal Hungary is going to relate to Serbia and the Romanian principalities that are likely to be useful anti-Ottoman allies. Will it be hostile to them due to its own Serb and Romanian minorities? Will that extend to cooperation with the Ottomans? On the third hand if Austria-Hungary could patronize Serbia and be allied to Romania for several decades why liberal Hungary can't? And who said the Serbs and Romanians aren't going to be trouble that needs the Hungarians to keep in line?
Three hurrahs for Hungary!

It's set up to be a rather hefty industrial power in a few decades presuming it can hold itself together, but their minorities are still going to be a thorn in their side; I can see this coming to include the German populations of the country if enmity with Austria remains high, particularly in border regions. Losing sea access is going to be a real sore point though, and I doubt that they are done arguing/fighting with Austria over Croatia.

Austria is now in a pretty fickle spot, but they on paper seem to have retained a lot more territory than I was expecting. It would not be surprising to see them slough off more in the near future, though - Galicia is fairly indefensible if Russia decides towards consuming it later on, and then there is Venetia. It will be interesting to see if the current Austro-Italian condominium status lasts, but there is enough bad blood there to make the long-term pretty shaky. Finally there is the Austrian state itself, which is now in hefty debt, depleted of manpower, and with liberalism starting to boil over the lid of the old system.

Uh will be better than Poland, but that's not really saying much.

This doesn't bode well at all :(
Austria is now in a pretty fickle spot, but they on paper seem to have retained a lot more territory than I was expecting. It would not be surprising to see them slough off more in the near future, though - Galicia is fairly indefensible if Russia decides towards consuming it later on, and then there is Venetia. It will be interesting to see if the current Austro-Italian condominium status lasts, but there is enough bad blood there to make the long-term pretty shaky. Finally there is the Austrian state itself, which is now in hefty debt, depleted of manpower, and with liberalism starting to boil over the lid of the old system.
I see them surviving for a couple years before it starts to slowly shattering or become a triple monchary in name only
Can we have a map of the current events?
Pride Goes Before a Fall Timeline Map Post 1848 Revolutions.png

This map is a little rough and not entirely accurate, but for the most part this is about right for the current situation. Just ignore Galicia and Bukovina for now, definitely nothing to see there.
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Man, the Triple Monarchy is just a monstrosity cartographically much less in what it represents politically...

Anyways, I really enjoyed this last update. Hungary is free the Austrian yoke and have been partially removed from Italy too. The Austrian Empire is pretty broken. It's only a matter of time before the Bohemians and Croatians want more freedom than the Hapsburgs are willing to give. Venice is also going to want out and will probably get it at some point. Does make me wonder given their losses here and probable losses in the future if we will see a Grosdeutchland in the future. Though, I still hold out hope that someone/anyone other than Prussia can unify Germany. Though, maybe we'll see two Germanies; a northern Protestant one and a Southern Catholic one. Also, with the Pope being the head of this Italian bloc it is very likely that if the South wants to go its own way it has more of a chance to do so. In many ways that may be better than what happened OTL.
yah I don't see anyone but prussia unifying them at this point they have prob been goobling up more of the german states and soon will have most of them and with no strong back to the south all it will nee is one strong push to get them to come to prussia they may not even need bismark for this


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This map is a little rough and not entirely accurate, but for the most part this is about right for the current situation. Just ignore Galicia and Bukovina for now, definitely nothing to see there.

And here's the updated map of the world (Aside from Galicia-Lodomeria-Bukovina, and pretty much the whole of North America, this is pretty accurate)
Hoping things go well for Ireland(Mostly because my dad and his family are Irish) and they can have more success ITTL than in OTL. The next update can't come soon enough!