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  1. Effect on rest of WW2 of a failed Sealion

    Pretty sure we had most of the scum correlled by then and the various Fascist groups were a joke even before Cable street so he's in for a long wait. At most it might at least publicly expose those sympathisers and they get a cold stay on the Isle of Man. Also one has visions of Captain...
  2. 8mm to the Left: If Hitler Died in 1923

    Also we tend to name Battles by what they were called at the time, in 1453 (even if the Turk's had used Istanbul as their term for centuries) it was definitely still Constantinople as the Greeks had only just lost it and Mehmed the conqueror declined to change the formal name at that time.
  3. 8mm to the Left: If Hitler Died in 1923

    TBF most Arab's assumed they were getting independence after WW1 and are annoyed in the first place. This just makes them even more annoyed.
  4. 8mm to the Left: If Hitler Died in 1923

    True but trying to convert the Islamic majority is a bad idea. Focus on the Orthodox if you really have to go on a converting mission.
  5. 8mm to the Left: If Hitler Died in 1923

    Sit on the fence, just like OTL. I mean getting involved in European wars destroyed the Empire so they'll probably accept it's better to simply sit around, host both sides spies and make a killing in the chrome trade. One notes that Marin has an interesting view of Syrian history. Far from...
  6. The 1960s betting scandal in English football does not occur or is discovered after the 1966 World Cup

    All three would have played a part whatever (none of the players mentioned are any threat to the two Bobby's places, no one but Ramsey was managing England at that time). At most it might see Germany held to a single goal in the final which will end any questions about a third goal even if Hurst...
  7. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    It's not clear. Given what did happen OTL it's likely the common people would have taken the first available way out and to hell with honour. Sadly it wasn't up to them.
  8. Disaster Averted (Titanic Lives) On Hiatus

    Which is why even a few ships that became museums turned out to be not quite saved enough, those Russian carriers rotting in China when the money ran out of the Vikrant actually being scrapped for instance.
  9. Disaster Averted (Titanic Lives) On Hiatus

    Also very hard to preserve. Its the same reason so few aircraft carriers or Battleships have survived. The Olympic's were 270m's long, where on earth do you park them? You'd need either a full size drydock (unlike say Victory or the M33 which can sit in an obsolete old dock nobody needs anymore)...
  10. Disaster Averted (Titanic Lives) On Hiatus

    Lenin is likely still in exile in Switzerland, Stalin was in jail at the start of the war and with the war ending early he should still be there as he wasn't due for release until 1917. With Lenin exiled and the war over things probably won't be as bad as OTL so Stalin probably stays a robber...
  11. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Not sure but the majority were in the North (for obvious reasons, also technically the southern zone "isn't occupied" at this point). Probably a good few hours without pilots trained for anti shipping work. The FN will lose ships but the big assets should make it to allied air cover intact...
  12. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Also looks good, the fist of France smashing it's way back out of the German cage.
  13. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    True and De Gaulle held office for only a very brief period, if someone better came along they'd take them, especially someone who could reunite the two Half's of the French military.
  14. The Anglo/American - Nazi War - The on-going mystery

    Probably to late, while "first victim" probably happened that was 19 years before the end of the war and it seems by then "All German's are Nazis" was holy writ so I imagine nothing could have saved them from being sat on forever like the rest of their countrymen.
  15. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    I'd assume arrangements to have carriers off the coast would have to be made (and all the other ships to protect the carriers from subs). Also the Luftwaffe's anti shipping capacity was always poor and is getting much worse at this point in the war. As long as FW200's aren't involved they can...
  16. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    It would have been impossible to exclude Britain anyway as we were still to powerful at that point and while our Empire was destroyed post war during it we were too strong to dictate to instead of asking our opinion. With France its more that the internal problems (some going back to 1789) came...
  17. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    Could potentially encourage the "sword and Shield" argument with those who stayed claiming they were simply waiting for their moment. It would also allow the Navy to feel much better about itself as its likely they can successfully shoot their way out of Toulon and then be present for D-Day and...
  18. Sir John Valentine Carden Survives. Part 2.

    If the fleet sails that will really put the cat among the pigeons. Firstly because it means DeGaule is gone and secondly because it's essentially the "mainstream" French military giving two fingers to the Nazis and returning to the war...
  19. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    He's embarrassed by some of the contents but if you watch Corman's world he has nothing but praise for the man himself. Broadly one gets the impression he wonders why Corman didn't go further and become someone on Weinstein's level (although obviously not evil).
  20. Blue Skies in Camelot (Continued): An Alternate 80s and Beyond

    Not sure it's seen as shameful. I mean the "Corman film school" has long been an excellent gateway to film making and has launched dozens of careers many far bigger than Roger himself. Although that's because he likes being king of the B's and is quite happy where he is. But if the bigger...