Recent content by Marc Anthony

  1. Marc Anthony

    What if there was some strong centralized empire that Kept the Romans out of conquering anywhere in the middle east?

    I am planning a future TL with a POD in 143 BC and will include Mithridates in the future
  2. Marc Anthony

    What if there was some strong centralized empire that Kept the Romans out of conquering anywhere in the middle east?

    Perhaps Mithridatis VI manages to drive the Romans out of Anatolia and founds his own long lasting empire? It's a bit late but it reverses Roman gains in the region and keeps them out of Syria and Judea
  3. Marc Anthony

    Effects of no Islam on the British Isles

    If I recall correctly, Swedish Vikings sold many slaves in Constantinopole. So the demand was still around. Also, whatever power rises in the non Islamic Magreb could still hunger for slaves
  4. Marc Anthony

    The World Zionist Organization accepts the Uganda Scheme

    I once read an Israeli alternate history novel titled "Herzel amar" (the Hebrew version of Simon says) where the Uganda plan goes through. The plot takes place in 2005. Anyway, in it it's mentioned that Ethiopea expelled most of it's Jews who subsequently went to Zion (the name of this alt...
  5. Marc Anthony

    The World Zionist Organization accepts the Uganda Scheme

    Yet the majority didn't want Kenya. As someone else mentioned, there wouldn't be enough Jewish settlers to make it viable
  6. Marc Anthony

    Bicentennial Man: Ford '76 and Beyond

    Yeah, at age 18/19 he's old enough to rule on his own but inexperienced due to age while Muhammad is in his 40s and served for years as his brother's aide, he has enough experience to stand on his own and having a kingdom of his own (especially getting to rule Mecca and Medina, the two most...
  7. Marc Anthony

    List of Alternate Monarchs and Aristocratic Lineage II

    Eadred, King of England (b. 923 d. 955) r. 937-955* m. Ælfgifu of Shaftsbury. 1. Edward II, King of England (b. 940 d. 968) m. [A] Ælfgifu (b. 941 d. 959). Ælfthrith (b. 948 d.1002). 2. Eadgifu (b. 942 d. 1005) m. Kenneth II, King of Alba (b. 941 d. 987). 2. Athelstan II (b. 945...
  8. Marc Anthony

    Bicentennial Man: Ford '76 and Beyond

    The Saudi offensive will fefinately fail. Maybe the Ikhwahn sieze the opportunity to launch another offensive against the the house of Saud. The Jordan and Ejypt intervene and occupy the Hejaz. Maybe the King will be Faisal, second son of King Hussein of Jordan? Well actaually maybe not, he...
  9. Marc Anthony

    the best movies never made

    The Peer (2002): a British comedy by Tony Robinson, starring Rowan Atckinson. The plot revolves around a cynical British aristocrat and his interactions with fellow members of the Peerage.
  10. Marc Anthony

    Good Vinland PODs?

    Yeah, volcanic soil tends to be fertile. I should have thaught about that
  11. Marc Anthony

    Good Vinland PODs?

    How many would actally move to Iceland though? The main apeal was that it was outside the rule of Kings and Jarls. Otherwise it's not that attractive with basically little wood and game.
  12. Marc Anthony

    What if: Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, is not killed in jail?

    Anyway, I don't know what possibility would be the most likely, but perhaps he stays in Illinois to try to affect the demographics. Like I said somewhere else on this site: I have an idea for part of a TL where Mormons go to Oregon instead of Utah due to a surviving Iturbide Mexico beating the...
  13. Marc Anthony

    What if: Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormons, is not killed in jail?

    I remember skipping Church one Saturday (in Israel Mormons go on Saturday rather than Sunday) to whatch "All about the Mormons" marvelous day.
  14. Marc Anthony

    A Second White Rose - Edmund, Earl of Rutland Survives

    Also, you mentioned in the POV that Edmund thaught he was less skilled with a sword than a quill. So, he could potentially help out his brother with the beureucrattic sides of Kingship. Even becoming the counterweit to Warwick