A New Beginning - Our 1992 Russian Federation

Overall good, and even better since the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) was formed back in February 2006.
Ah, that's good as it would make UAC a better alternative to Boeing since they've become more business focus instead a engineering firm.
Honorable Members of the Duma,
while we disagree on policy,we should not insult ourselves with Terms like CIA Agent.
I am sure @Beaux Arts & Crafts has the best interest of Russia and his constituents in mind.
To protest this conduct by @Art Vandelay,I am changing my vote,if possible,to B in solidarity.
*Later on the news, Beaux Arts & Crafts and ProgressiveIsraelFan were found dead in Siberian wilderness* (Kidding)
Ah, that's good as it would make UAC a better alternative to Boeing since they've become more business focus instead a engineering firm.
As we can see Boeing is not even engineering firm right now, but a flying entity run by accountants and bookkeepers with aim to keep stock as high and stakeholders as happy as possible above all else. UAC is and will be run by professionals under supervision of Russian government.
As we can see Boeing is not even engineering firm right now, but a flying entity run by accountants and bookkeepers with aim to keep stock as high and stakeholders as happy as possible above all else. UAC is and will be run by professionals under supervision of Russian government.
Ah ok, as long UAC is supervised then they wouldn't run into the same problems as Boeing is (corporate greed, stakeholders appeasements, and complacent).
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2003 Legislative elections results:
United Labor Party/Agrarian Party bloc (Elvira Nabiullina): 40.11%
Union of Right Forces (Boris Nemtsov): 23.32%
Yabloko (Grigory Yavlinsky): 12.36%
Communist Party (Gennady Zugyanov): 10.01%
United Civil Front (Garry Kasparov): 9.77%
Liberal Democratic Party (Vladimir Zhirinovsky): 4.62%
Other parties: 0.51%
Is there a threshold?